Chapter 15

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When she awoke the next morning, she had already missed breakfast. The poor girl ran to her dormitory, freshened herself up, then ran to herbology.

Tom sat, the last person without a partner, at the end of the long table. After a short yet embarrassing explanation of why she was late, Veruca was directed to partner with him of course. She sat and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before timidly turning to Tom.

He was smirking at her flustered demeanor and before he could stop himself, he admired the color of her eyes and the shape of her nose and lips. He scolded himself, then frowned at her and shoved the pot of soil her way.

"On with it then," Veruca muttered. Even though Tom heard her, he didn't ask what she meant, though he wanted to


"The last thing I wanted was to come here with intention and determination and then, a month later mind you, be stuck having no clue where all my confidence went. I literally have no clue what I should do, what I need to do."

It had indeed been a month already, Veruca was currently venting to a tired Moony. She was very worried. Where had all her confidence gone? Veruca had never had an off day. She was genuinely worried. It seemed to her that Tom had no interest or even a care in the world for who she was.

She was wrong of course, every word she spoke to him he dissected as if his life were dependent on it. But she didn't know that. No one knew that Tom had as deep an interest in her as he did. No one knew, and it would be a long time until Veruca found out.

You needn't fuss, Veruca. I'm sure he has become a master at hiding his true intentions behind a seemingly unemotional mask.

"But, I was supposed to be a match to his- ugh! I can't even think right now. I have to go."

And where will you go?

"I don't know, I... somewhere."


Where she went; was for a walk. She walked around the gardens and the lake, she walked around the Whomping Willow (carefully of course), and she walked through the Dark Forest. She walked for hours just enjoying the noise of the night, it drowned out her thoughts.

She was able to think without thinking.

Of course, she had no clue someone was watching her. Studying her.


I cannot believe that readers went up when my motivation for this story went down. Thanks for the reads and the comments and the votes!! Means the world to me!! Please comment!!

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