Chapter 5

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Veruca lay in bed, thinking things over. She twisted and turned and tried to get into a comfortable sleeping position. She thought of the events of the morning, one month ago now, where Dumbledore showed her something 'important'. Veruca had thought nothing of the peculiar twinkle in his eyes as he said, "Ready for the day, are you?"

Instead, she nodded and allowed him to apparate her outside of Hogwarts. She thought he would show her something on the school grounds. Like a secret place or something that might be of use to her, but, no. He took her to an orphanage, a broken and abandoned one but otherwise exact, a replica of the one in the memory she had seen nearly four months ago.

Wool's Orphanage, a terrible place for children. It was broken down and rotting, much like the place she lived as a child. Then he took her to a shack in Little Hangleton and then he walked her down the road to show her the house that Tom Riddle Senior lived with his parents. That too was old and damaged.

When they stopped for a bite to eat Veruca couldn't contain herself, "Why would you show me these places?"

"You recognized them, did you not?" the old wizard replied, not looking up from his plate.

"Of course, but what has that got to do with anything?" she insisted, sitting up straight and pushing her half-empty plate away.

"I think it would be wiser if you knew these places in case young Tom decides to show you something," he paused, "-in a little more depth."

Veruca hadn't the faintest idea what he thought would happen.

So, as the girl lay in bed, trying not to think of anything at all, she thought of young Tom. In the memory, he was only eleven. What would he look like at sixteen, when she was supposed to appear? Would he be as handsome, or even more so now? Would he be more advanced than she had thought? Would she go back only to die trying?

She didn't know. No one did. She was alone in this. And she had one week left. Was everything prepared properly? Was there something that she, or Dumbledore perhaps, had forgotten? Would her going back, mean anything at all? Again, the girl didn't know. Neither did anyone else. She was completely alone, yet again.

But, by now, she supposed it was something she welcomed.

It felt, natural.

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