Chapter 17

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Veruca sat at the Slytherin table almost exactly five hours later, buttering a slice of toast, when Tom appeared in the seat next to her. She turned to him, her brow raised. Tom didn't acknowledge her questioning stare, instead he grabbed an apple and pulled out a book.

Darkest Arts of Ours by Wesel Gaunt

Wesel Gaunt? Where had she heard that name before?

"Staring, in any proper society, is considered rude, I'm sure you know." Tom said, still not looking at her. She rolled her eyes, decided she was done holding herself back, and smirked at him, "I often like to participate in challenging society's horrifically restricting rules, I'm sure you know by now?"

Tom chuckled and shook his head at her. "I was thinking," he began. Veruca interrupted him, "Well, considering you always seem to be thinking about something, the fact that your announcing it, and to me of all people, highly suggests it is either an interesting topic or a dangerous activity, so, please continue."

He smirked again, "Your awfully sarcastic, this morning. I was saying, today is a Hogsmeade trip-," Veruca interrupted him again, "Well spotted. Tell me Tom, what was your first hint? The giant banner on the notice board or the little third years squealing at the top of their lungs about trying butterbeer at a pub for the first time?"

Tom turned his stare cold, "Patience only goes so far, Ms. Fouix, especially mine. Now, as I was saying, I would like you to accompany me to Hogsmeade this afternoon."

Veruca coughed and spit her sip of pumpkin juice back into the cup. Tom scrunched his face in distaste for her action, Veruca, however, grabbed a napkin and pat her mouth, stifling coughs, or laughs, she couldn't tell.

"You, want me? To go to Hogsmeade with.... you?" She asked, after she had recovered.

"Well spotted, tell me Veruca, what was your first clue? The question I just asked you or the question I just asked you?" Veruca smiled, "You said my name."

Tom looked at her as if she were hard of hearing, "I've said your name before." Veruca shook her head, "No, you always call me Ms. Fouix."

Tom rolled his eyes, "Pardon my mistake, here I had thought Ms. Fouix was your last name and therefore your name." He shut his book, "Is that a yes or a no?"

"Uhm," Veruca studied him carefully. She couldn't see if he had any ulterior motives, still, Tom Riddle asking her to Hogsmeade seemed to strange and... out of the blue.



After letting Moony know where she'd be, Veruca grabbed her coat and coin purse.

She met Tom at the entrance hall where everyone was gathering. They walked towards the wizarding village in silence, with Veruca wondering if she would regret this and Tom deciding where they should go there wasn't much room, in either of the children's heads, for small talk.

"So," Veruca started, trying to take her mind away from the regret.

"So?" Tom asked, urging her to continue. Tom, for the first time in a long time was indesicive about what to do. He knew he had to say something, but where? Before or after tea?

"Where are we going?" Veruca asked.

"Where would you like to go?" Tom asked, deciding he'd see what else he could get from her before confronting her.

"I could go for some tea," she sighed, shivering slightly, "- I'm not really a fan of butterbeer."

"Hm, neither am I." Tom nodded. He saw her smile, just a little, and for a moment he considered not confronting her at all. He didn't want her reaction to be so negative that it injured whatever sort of acquaintance-ship they had going right now.

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