Chapter 14

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Thursday night was always a special night for Veruca. There wasn't any particular reason, she just always felt so alive and vibrant. It was around midnight, and Veruca had been reading, when she decided to head to the Room of Requirement. She grabbed her silky robe and cast a warming charm before quietly exiting her bedroom.

Finding the common room empty, she quickly and quietly exited. The halls of the sleeping castle were empty, and mostly quiet. Some portraits were snoring rather loudly, some gave her questioning glances, others were partying. Veruca glanced on, thoughtfully. The castle never really sleeps. She had to stop once or twice to hide from a patrolling teacher or Filch.

Eventually, however, she made it to the 7th-floor corridor and the tapestry next to the entrance. She began pacing and then stopped, What exactly am I looking for? She frowned. It was quiet on this floor of the castle, no other portraits were here besides the tapestry. She swallowed. And began pacing, I need a home. I need a place to be myself. I need a place that will never be found by outsiders. I need a home.

The door had appeared before Veruca realized, as she had her back to the entrance, so she thought one last plea. Let there be books. When she turned and saw the door of what ought to be a large broom cupboard she smiled. Even if someone was curious that's probably what they'd find. Breathing deep, she stepped forward and opened the door.

The room she found was just what she expected, without picturing it. The walls were warm colors, and the bookshelves were full. There was a plump purple armchair, a satiny green couch and... a cozy bed. The room must have sensed the girl's trouble with sleeping the last few nights. There was a big chalkboard on one wall, and a worn but cute writing desk. Veruca, for the first time in 1941, genuinely smiled.

She wandered through the shelves and found intriguing books on magical animals, potions, and people. She sat at the desk and took up a pencil, she sketched- something she hadn't been able to bring herself to do for a long time. Hours later, she moved to the bed and fell asleep. For once in her life, Veruca was content.

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