Chapter 1

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Tommy pushed through the door and slammed it behind him. Lilian got up from her desk and joined him.

"Hey, Tommy. How's the horse?" she asked with a smile. The horses were something she and Tommy had bonded over when they first met.

"Good," Tommy replied. They walked into the parlor, only to see Finn sitting in a chair swinging his dangling feet. He attempted to throw something in the fire but missed, and Thomas crouched down in front of him.

"Arthur's mad as hell," Finn said in an attempt to distract Thomas from the cigarette now twirling between his fingers.

"What does a ten-year-old know about hell?" he asked. Lilian chuckled lightly before seeing what Thomas had picked up. Her heart dropped to her stomach. He was far too young to be smoking already.

"I'm eleven Sunday," Finn chirped. Thomas rolled his eyes, chucking the cigarette in the fire before leaving Lilian to talk with Finn. She crouched down in Thomas's place, taking Finn's face in her hands.

"Please tell me that wasn't what I thought it was." Finn bowed his head. "Promise me you won't do that ever again, Finn. Wait until you're older. Please," she begged. He nodded his head lightly, and Lilian smiled. "Good boy. How about you come with me to the kitchen, and I'll make you a snack?"

"Really?" Finn asked excitedly. Lilian nodded her head and took his hand, walking with him to the kitchen. She lifted him up onto the counter and took a step back.

"What do you want, little man?" she asked. He brought his hand to his chin, pretending to stroke his beard, before raising his hand.

"A ham sandwich!" he squealed with a smile.

"Coming right up," she replied. She set to work, twirling around the kitchen and grabbing the necessities. Her task was interrupted by distant yelling and a door slamming. She shrugged it off and continued making Finn's food. She handed him the finished sandwich and was leaning against the counter when Polly entered.

"Aunt Polly!" Finn exclaimed with a mouthful of sandwich.

"Hey, Pol," Lilian said, her cheeks blushing slightly. She always got nervous around Polly, but not in the way most people did. She was attracted to the older woman, but she'd never admitted it out loud.

"Hello Finn, Lil," Polly greeted. She took note of the food in Finn's little hands and mouth. "Lilian treating you again?" Finn nodded vigorously. Lilian blushed brighter and looked down at the floor. After recollecting herself, she looked up at a smirking Polly.

"You know anything about the yelling and door slamming from earlier?" she asked.

"Arthur found out Tommy had the powder trick done on the horse," Polly said with a shake of her head.

"I see," Lilian replied. She noticed Finn sitting empty-handed on the counter and decided it would be best if he wasn't there for more of this. She lifted him off the counter and set him on the floor. "Why don't you go find the neighbor boys to play with, Finn, and then we can go see the horse when I'm done talking to your aunt."

"Okay, Lily," he hummed before taking off down the hall. Lilian cringed slightly at the nickname but shook it off quickly. She made sure he was out the door completely before turning back to Polly.

"You're good with him," Polly observed. "Ever thought of having your own one day?" Lilian shrugged.

"I did for a while, but um it wasn't in the cards, I guess," she trailed off. Polly took note of the way her face softened slightly with sadness and the far-off look in her eyes. Lilian shook away the thought quickly. "Anyways, I just wanted to talk to you about Tommy. He's been acting strange lately, don't you think?" Polly hummed.

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