Chapter 14

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Lilian let out a shaky breath as she realized what the little boy had just said. She took a moment to look at Finn before looking up to Polly; she couldn't believe that the boy had come up with the idea on his own. Her brows raised slightly, and the older woman nodded in a silent answer. Lilian bit her lip to keep it from quivering as she lowered to her knees in front of the boy. She took his face in her hands.

"Do you like her name, Mom?" he asked shyly, his nerves evident in his expression.

"I love it, little man. It's perfect." A tear slipped from one of her eyes. Before she could wipe it away, however, Finn did it for her. Lilian knew she wouldn't be able to hold herself together much longer. "Thank you, Finn. Why don't you go see if Charlie needs any help with the other horses while I talk to your aunt."

"Okay!" the boy exclaimed. He dashed out of the stable and toward the man with his usual excitement before Lilian could even get up off the floor. Once she had, she made her way over to Polly and pulled the brunette into the private office Thomas had set up earlier in the year. She shut the door and slouched against it, allowing more tears to fall.

"Oh, baby," Polly whispered. She gathered her girlfriend in her arms and held her as she dissolved into a mess of tears. Lilian was trying her best to suppress all of her emotions, and Polly could tell. "Let it out, Lilian. You don't need to fight it."

After hearing that, the young woman truly couldn't wrestle with the tidal waves of intensity any longer. She collapsed against Polly's chest and sobbed, her breaths sharp and scattered. Lilian gripped the fabric of the woman's dress in her fist. Her hold on the cloth clinging to Polly's body was strong, almost as if the brunette was afraid her girlfriend would fade away if she released her from her clutches. Lilian brought herself as close to Polly as she could manage with how violently she was trembling.

The older woman hated seeing Lilian this way, but she knew it was best for her to let her emotions out. She gently put her hands on the brunette's waist and walked her over to the chair behind the desk. Polly sat down first and then pulled Lilian into her lap. She guided the sobbing woman's head to her shoulder and stroked her hair with one hand while rubbing her back with the other.

"I know, little love. It hurts, doesn't it?" She felt Lilian nod against her, continuing to cry. "I'm sorry. I can't promise you it will get better soon, but I can promise you that I will be here through it all. I'm not going anywhere. I love you, Lilian," Polly said. A tiny smile lifted the corners of her mouth when she noticed Lilian's breathing begin to slow and her cries coming to an end. She lifted the young woman's head from the crook of her neck; Polly wiped away the remnants of Lilian's tears and kissed her forehead. Lilian repeated the action before bringing their foreheads together.

"I don't deserve someone as amazing as you, Polly," she muttered as her eyes slid shut. Polly frowned.

"Don't you dare say that, Lilian Marie. You deserve more than you will ever accept, more than I can ever give you. You are all I could ever dream of, and I don't know how I got so lucky as to call you mine. Now, let's try this again. I love you, Lil." The woman in her lap giggled quietly before pressing a kiss to her lips.

"I love you too, Pol," she whispered, pecking her lips a few more times before drawing away again. She bit her lip as she smiled. The older woman groaned and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Stop that, little one. You know it drives me crazy," Polly sighed, biting her own lip as she used her thumb to gently release Lilian's bottom one.

She then did something Lilian wasn't expecting. She leaned forward and kissed the brunette, but instead of moving back like normal, she took Lilian's lip between her own teeth and tugged on it lightly. Polly let it go and pulled away, chuckling at the shock lacing her girlfriend's features.

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