Chapter 13

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A/N: Hello, my lovelies! I received mixed responses about including PB plot, so I'm going to continue incorporating it, just not as frequently as the first few chapters. Love you all <3


"I agree, Pol. I think the new candles would be a really nice addition to-" Lilian was cut off by Arthur's booming voice hitting her like a brick as she walked through the front door. He and Tommy were in the meeting room. She and Polly looked at each other with worried expressions before walking over to the doorway.

"People keep asking me questions that I don't know the answer to! 'Is it true your Ada got married?' I say, 'I don't know.'," Arthur huffed, waving his arms dramatically.

"This can't be good," Lilian whispered to Polly. The latter shook her head.

"'Arthur... who killed the Paddy from The Black Swan?' I go, 'What Paddy?' They say.. 'Is it you, Peaky Blinders, who stole the guns from the BSA?' What guns, Tommy?!"

"Arthur, after your beating, I thought you needed a break," Thomas started.

"What bloody guns, Tommy?!" he roared, his face going red and eyes filled with rage and desperation. It was then that Lilian stepped in, placing a hand on Arthur's chest and locking her gaze on his. She raised her brows slightly and tilted her head just a bit to send him a clear message: Calm the fuck down, or I'll do it for you.

"Arthur, I was going to tell you."

"You were going to tell me," he said, forcing himself to be calmer. Lilian moved back to Polly, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath. Polly pulled her into her arms and held her against her chest, covering her exposed ear so the men's voices weren't quite as loud.

"Arthur, listen to me. You've had a hard time these past few years; God knows you have. You deserve some rest. We had some luck, some bloody luck. It fell off a wagon into our laps, and all you need to know is, it's us that has the machine guns now. And it's them that's in the mud. Alright?" Arthur nodded, letting out the breath he'd been holding. "Come on. I have a surprise for you. Come on." 

The pair walked out of the room together, leaving Lilian and Polly alone. The shorter of the two drew back from their embrace.

"You shouldn't have done that, Lil," Polly said sternly. "You know how the boys can get when they're upset." Lilian shook her head lightly and rolled her eyes.

"They wouldn't hurt me, Polly. They're more careful than that when they're around me." The older woman grabbed her jaw and lifted it, forcing her to make eye contact. Lilian shivered at the air of dominance coming from her girlfriend.

"Do not roll your eyes at me, little one. I thought we talked about this," she growled, flicking an eyebrow upward.

"Well, maybe I wouldn't if you didn't give me a reason to," the curly-haired brunette countered as she pulled her chin from the woman's grip. It wasn't harsh, but it was enough to make Polly drop her dominant facade and replace it with concern.

"What?" Polly asked in a hushed tone. Her brows were furrowed, and the corners of her mouth turned downward.

"You heard me..." The young woman sighed as she fell into a chair, her elbows on her knees and head in her hands. Polly shook herself out of her shocked state and walked toward Lilian. She got on her knees on the floor in front of her.

"Lilian, what is going on? Please talk to me," she pleaded gently, taking Lilian's hands from her face and holding them in her own. The brunette ran her thumb over her girlfriend's knuckles attempting to coax the answer out of her. Lilian's eyes slid shut as she bit her lip and shook her head almost imperceptibly. As she let out a deep breath, a tear slid down her cheek, one that Polly was quick to brush away.

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