Chapter 9

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Lilian watched as Thomas stalked towards her, his mood obviously at a low. The scowl on his face was one she had only seen a few times. She stopped him before he made it to the Garrison.

"What's got you so sour?" Lilian asked with her hand on his shoulder. He finally met her gaze when she removed her hand and used it to lift his chin. She raised her brows at him.

"Had to shoot the horse," he grumbled. The small smirk that had once occupied her expression immediately fell from her face and was replaced with a frown; she sighed and pulled her hand from his face to brush away the imaginary dirt on the front of his vest.

"Let's get a drink then, shall we?" Thomas simply sighed in response and continued on his original path to the Garrison. She followed him wordlessly to the front and waited as he knocked. After the third knock, the barmaid finally answered the door.

"We're closed Mr. Shelby," she said, not acknowledging Lilian standing directly behind him.

"Just get me a drink," Thomas grumbled as he walked through the door, throwing himself down in a seat. Lilian had decided against staying with him and Grace for a drink, so she simply pressed a kiss to his temple and squeezed his shoulder. He gave her a small nod in acknowledgment, and she took her leave. Turning back to the Shelby residence, she double-checked that she had all of her belongings and made her way into the parlor. There, she was met by Polly and Ada.

"Hello," Lilian said softly as she closed the door behind her. The women looked up at her with rather glum expressions.

"Are you ready to go?" Polly asked, the question mostly directed toward Ada. Both women confirmed, and the trio set off on their way.

They arrived at the train station a short time later and began the trek across the platform.

"You okay?" Lilian asked Ada quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied half-heartedly. It was obvious to Lilian that Ada didn't really want to go through with this, but she knew there was nothing she could do to change Polly's mind.

"I think there are some carriages over there that will be empty," Polly stated. Ada and Lilian nodded and followed in silence. As they rounded the corner, all three women stopped in their tracks rather dumbfounded at the sight of Freddie Thorne standing in front of them. "Jesus."

"Freddie? You came back?" Ada whispered, voice wavering slightly.

"I got a tip-off."

"Freddie, Tommy will kill you," Lilian said, her worried expression matching her tone.

"It was Tommy who tipped me off. Maybe he's got half a heart after all," Freddie replied with a small smirk. He continued with a small shake of his head. "Tommy got a message to me. It said 'Get out of town and take her with you.' So... Ada Shelby... will you marry me?"

Polly and Lilian turned to look at each other, eyes wide and jaws slack. Their surprise turned to joy in hearing Ada's reply.

"Yes, yes!" The young brunette threw herself into her new fiance's arms, kissing him passionately as they embraced.

"Right, get on that bloody train and get out of here. Come on, both of you," Polly instructed with a grin on her face.

"Freddie, Cardiff's okay. Anywhere but here's okay."

"We're not going anywhere, Ada. We're going to stay here, and we're going to marry here. I'm not afraid of Tommy Shelby," Freddie announced. Polly and Lilian looked at each other once more, however, this time smiles did not grace their features. They simply shrugged before linking arms and leaving the station. The pair returned to the Garrison, seating themselves at the bar.

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