Chapter 4

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Lilian woke up the next day to someone pounding on her door. Groaning, she opened the door standing in only her nightgown. She was met by a rather amused-looking Arthur.

"The fuck do you want, Art?" she asked crankily. He chuckled, only furthering her annoyance.

"Get dressed and freshen up, princess. We're having a family meeting downstairs." She rolled her eyes.

"First, I told you not to call me that. Second, why must you always have meetings while I'm sleeping? It's absurd." Arthur laughed again, and Lilian punched his arm. "Whatever. I'll be down in a few." The man walked away, shaking his head. Lilian let out a small puff of air and retreated into her room. She changed into a deep purple dress with a tight bodice, accentuating her chest. She lifted up the skirt, resting her leg on her bed to re-strap her blade. Once it was secured, she pinned her hair up in a mess of wild curls before making her way downstairs. She shoved open the door and stepped into the parlor. A few pairs of eyes shot her way, but most of the members of the meeting were fully engrossed in their conversation.

"Drink your beers, get out. You'd better show people you're still the cocks of the walk," Polly instructed. Lilian couldn't help but smirk at the way she commanded the room. It was intimidating, but it was also very captivating.

"Hand out some cash to the landlords of the pubs. Pay some veterans to fix the places up," Tommy continued, addressing the group. Most nodded and mumbled in agreement.

"Oi, Nipper, give us the bag," John called. Arthur spoke next.

"So, what about you, Tommy?"

"I have to go to Charlie's to stable the horse. She looked foot-sore in the box," he replied nonchalantly. Arthur rolled his eyes and left with others, leaving Tommy, Polly, and Lilian standing together. The younger two turned to Polly as she spoke to Thomas.

"Let them see your faces." She paused to light her cigarette. "So, we both know what they were looking for. You don't read the papers."

"Racing papers," Thomas cut in. Both Lilian and Polly scoffed.

"So let me tell you the odds. I reckon it's three to one there'll be a revolution," Polly said. The tension in the air was thick.

"I wouldn't bet on that," the man replied.

"That copper's betting on it. He's not going to let it rest 'til he gets those guns back," Lilian reasoned. Thomas let out a sigh.

"Did he talk to you, Pol?"

"In the church," she replied. Lilian's blood boiled at the memory of his disrespect towards the both of them and his hand pushing against the center of the older woman's chest. She looked towards Tommy, her eyes filled with rage.

"The bastard put his bloody fucking hands on Pol. He's lucky she was there to stop me from slitting his throat," she practically growled. Thomas was slightly surprised by her behavior, but he knew what she was capable of. He returned his focus to Polly.

"Did he try to find our Ada?"

"She was sleeping." Polly shrugged. The sound that came from Thomas immediately drew Lilian's attention.

"Where was she sleeping, Pol?" he asked sarcastically. If looks could kill, the one the young woman sent him surely would have had him dead on the spot.

"I thought you didn't care for women's business?" Lilian questioned with a raised brow. This drew Polly's attention, and she scanned Lilian's figure. Her eyes lingered on the exposed curves of her breasts for a fraction of a second too long, and Lilian caught it. The corner of her mouth drew upwards just the tiniest bit. They all sat in a thick silence for a moment before Polly spoke.

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