Chapter 7

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It had been a few weeks, and Lilian was starting to return to her normal self. Obviously, she still had tough days and moments where she was overcome with emotion, but she was getting better and working through it. She spent her time focussing on her work as a Peaky Blinder, keeping Finn safe, and enjoying her small moments with Polly.

Walking with Tommy, they led the horse through the somewhat crowded street. Without warning, there was a loud explosion, startling the horse. Lilian and Tommy immediately reached out to calm the animal.

"Easy..." Tommy soothed. "Easy, easy."

"Whoa. Easy, boy," Lilian joined, stroking the horses rearing head. "Shh, shhh, shh"

"In France, we used to say..." Tommy started but was interrupted by the horse whinnying again.


"In France, we used to say it's just the music hall band turning up. Shh... it's just trombones and tubas, that's all." Lilian's expression softened at hearing Tommy's words. She could see how much the war had affected him, and it broke her heart to hear him say such things. She continued to run her hand over the horse's coat, soothing it in the best way she knew how. She rested her forehead against the, now, more calm horse's face.

"It's just noise... it's just noise," she repeated. When the horse was completely subdued, she planted a small kiss where she'd previously rested her head. "Good boy."

The pair continued walking with the horse when Tommy noticed its slight limp.

"You got some pain there, boy, hey?" At that moment, the new barmaid threw a bucket of water out into the street in front of them. They looked up at her, faces expressionless.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Shelby, Ms..." she hesitated as she looked at Lilian.

"Clarke," she replied flatly. The barmaid simply nodded, still clutching to the bucket.

"I'm Grace, by the way." Both Thomas and Lilian nodded.

"I know who you are," he said.

"What's his name?" she asked. Lilian pet the horse's face, knowing she had a name for him, but she didn't bother bringing it up to Thomas, knowing he would simply brush the thought away.

"He doesn't have a name." Grace looked to Lilian when she spoke up. They locked eyes for several moments before Grace replied.

"Poor boy deserves a name." Thomas was done with the rather meaningless conversation.

"You have something to say to me?"

"The other night you came into the pub, and I was singing... You said singing wasn't allowed. I'd like there to be one night a week when there's singing. I think it would be good for everyone." Lilian was rather impressed with the woman's boldness. Most cowered under Thomas's gaze, but not her. Lilian thought she may end up liking this new addition to the Garrison. "Saturday nights. Harry was too afraid to ask you so..."

"But you're not."

"I am. But I love to sing."

"You sound like one of those rich girls who comes over from Dublin for the races. Do you like horses?" Thomas asked. Grace nodded. "How do you fancy earning some extra money?"

"Doing what?" Lilian rolled her eyes. She already knew where this was going, so she took that as her cue to leave. Petting the horse one last time, she walked back home and started her search for Polly. When she didn't find her in the main room, parlor, office, or kitchen, she made her way up to the woman's room. After a few knocks, the door swung open.

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