Chapter 3

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Lilian was moving about the front of the church, and Polly was lighting candles when Inspector Cambell stepped inside. Lilian stopped what she was doing and moved closer to Polly, holding the man's gaze.

"A gentleman would take off his hat... and put out his pipe," the young woman said; her voice was laced with venom, and her hand subconsciously hovered over her hidden switchblade. The inspector continued to approach the women.

"I see you Specials only dare to come here when you know the boys are away at the fair," Polly added, only now turning to look at the man.

"You mean your nephews... with their guns and their razors?" he asked. "Is it them you're lighting candles for?" Lilian rolled her eyes.

"No. I am lighting candles for the boys from the Garrison that lost their lives in France," Polly replied flatly. "There's a list there. Look."

"I hear you didn't make it to France, Inspector Cambell," Lilian butted in, her disgust for the man showing plainly in her tone.

"You've heard of me?" he asked, looking between the women.

"I've heard of you," she practically growled.

"And who might you be?" Cambell asked Lilian. She chuckled darkly.

"That's none of your concern." Her eyes were gleaming with hatred as he brushed past her and began moving around the front of the church, not much unlike she had before his arrival. Polly sensed the tension in Lilian's demeanor.

"Is it the Holy Grail you're looking for?" Polly asked sarcastically. Cambell's head shot up, and he stormed toward her as he spoke.

"As a matter of fact, it is the Holy Grail I'm looking for. Something precious. Something stolen." With that, he put his hand on the center of Polly's chest and shoved her against the wall. Lilian about lost it and was ready to slit the man's throat before receiving a warning glance from Polly. She immediately backed down and took a step back; she knew Polly could take care of herself. "Perhaps you know what I'm talking about." What happened next made Lilian freeze. Polly kissed him. The man pulled back and wiped his mouth in disgust.

"Sorry, I misunderstood your intention when you pushed me to the wall," she said, feigning innocence. Her innocent expression quickly turned to a smirk when the man turned away. Cambell moved past her and yelled to his men to search the place before coming back.

"Arthur Shelby said you people would help us."

"If we don't know what you've lost, how can we help you find it?" Lilian asked as she walked over to stand beside Polly.

"But I've found out subsequently that I was speaking to the wrong man. Next time I want to talk to the boss. The Lickey Tea Rooms. Friday. Ten o'Clock," he hissed. "And when I say the boss, I mean Thomas." With that, he turned on his heel and stormed out. Lilian waited until he was gone completely before turning to Polly with a worried expression.

"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he? If he hurt you, I swear to every-" Polly cut her off.

"I am perfectly fine," she said with a smile. Lilian's worry quickly turned to anger as she recalled the way the man had handled her. Her eyes flared with rage as she spoke.

"He had no right to put his hands on you. I'm going to kill him." Polly only chuckled at her protective nature. Lilian rolled her eyes and turned to follow Cambell out the door. She was stopped by a hand on her wrist pulling her back harshly. She yelped slightly as she was brought almost nose to nose with the older woman.

"Lilian Marie quit fussing. The arse isn't worth it," she reminded. Lilian took a deep breath as she looked up into Polly's eyes.

"Fine, but if he ever comes near you again I can't make any promises." This made Polly laugh once more, and Lilian smiled. Suddenly, the thought of Polly trapping her against the wall the way the Inspector had made her face flush a bright red. She dropped her eyes to the floor to try and hide it. Polly noticed the strange behavior and took the younger woman's chin between her fingers, lifting it until Lilian met her eyes once more.

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