Chapter 15

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A/N: Last chapter, here we go... preparing myself for the waterworks. Thank you all for sticking with me through all of this. I'm happy to write one-shots of these two, so just leave a comment or send me a message, and I'll get to it :) (P.S. Italics = flashback) I really hope you enjoy this final chapter, and I apologize for the wait. It's the longest chapter I've ever written, so I hope that makes up for it. All my love <3


A completely dumbfounded Lilian was being hauled down the street by a much giddier Arthur, who had not told her a single thing other than that she was needed back at the house.

"Arthur, I swear to everything Holy, if you don't let go of me right now," she threatened, her eyes narrowing at the man. He did as he was told and released her. Lilian stopped where she was and stared at him.

"Lil, come on," he whined, almost like a child begging their mother to enter a toy store. "We need to go back to the house."

"What is so important that you needed to quite literally drag me away from Finn and the stables? If you are just trying to get me drunk again, Art, I am going to be livid. There are so many things I need to get done, and if you don't give me a prop-"

"It's something with Polly." This caught Lilian's attention immediately.


"Yeah. It's Polly. She needs you back at the house," Arthur continued. He knew that bringing the older woman into this was risky, but it was the only way he was going to get Lilian to keep moving. Lilian slapped his shoulder and walked off rather quickly, calling over her shoulder to the slightly bewildered man.

"Why didn't you say that earlier? I wouldn't have fought you so goddamn hard." Arthur rolled his eyes with a sigh and followed behind her, making sure she didn't take any detours. She didn't, of course. She would never keep her lady waiting, especially when she didn't know if everything was alright.

When the pair entered the home, Lilian wasted no time and began storming through the house looking for Polly. She stopped only once she found the woman, who was lounging on the sofa, a cigarette and whiskey in hand. The young woman watched from the doorway as Polly took a drag, her lips forming a perfect pout around the cigarette. A small smile lit up her face as the older woman let out the smoke and finally noticed her leaned against the doorframe.

"You wanted to see me, love?" she asked gently, trying to figure what was really going on. Polly nodded.

"I did. Come here, Mama." Polly set her drink aside and put her cigarette out before patting her leg. The brunette took the hint and crossed the room before seating herself on the woman's lap so they were facing one another. She took her girlfriend's face in her hands and kissed her tenderly as Polly wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Are you alright? Arthur said it was important," Lilian said worriedly. Her brows were furrowed, and she had a slight frown pulling down the corners of her lips.

"I am just fine. This is important, however. I need you to go somewhere with me," she assured. Polly smiled at the change in her girlfriend's expression, her features going from anxious and dark to warm and content.

"Okay, let's go then." Lilian started to climb off her lap only to be pulled back by the woman. She yelped in surprise when she fell onto her. "What was that for?"

"I don't want to go just yet. Sit here with me for a second," Polly whispered, her eyes silently pleading with Lilian to stay. The young woman caught her desperation and agreed, pecking her lips.

And so they sat, no words exchanged or need to leave present. The women simply looked over the other, admiring each and every piece of their being. It was a peaceful time. A time to cherish one another without the interruption of the boys stumbling into the room.

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