Introduction/Author's Note

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Hello! This is a wlw fanfic between Polly Gray from Peaky Blinders and my OC, Lilian Marie Clarke. 

Character Info:

Lilian moved in with the Shelby's shortly after she arrived in Birmingham, having become quick friends with Arthur Shelby. She joined the Peaky Blinders and is fiercely protective of all of them. She is twenty-nine years old and, obviously, has a massive crush on Polly (who wouldn't?). She has a really rough past that will be discovered throughout the story. (I don't want to give away much more, so you'll just have to read to find out.)

Story Info/Last Minute Details:

First, I do NOT own anything Peaky Blinders related. Also, there are trigger warnings in the story details, so please read those if there is something you think could upset you. Otherwise, please enjoy the story, and feel free to leave comments with thoughts and ideas. As always, be nice, and have fun! Love you all and happy reading? :)

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