Chapter 10

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"Get your ass in here, princess," Arthur called from the parlor. Lilian rolled her eyes and entered begrudgingly. Her mood did brighten, however, when she saw Pol seated at the table with Arthur, Thomas, and John. Her next thought was the whereabouts of Finn. As if reading her mind, Polly extended her hand and spoke.

"Finn's staying over at the neighbor's, so you don't need to worry about him," she informed, beckoning her forward. The young woman obliged happily and took her hand, allowing herself to be pulled onto Polly's lap. She giggled quietly as Polly pressed a kiss to her cheek. Finally, she turned back to Arthur.

"What'd you need me for?"

"I would say grab a seat, but you've already done that, so grab a glass," Arthur joked, cocking a brow at Lilian's place on Polly's lap.

"Oh, fuck off, Art," Lilian groaned as she reached to grab a glass of whiskey from the table. She leaned back against Polly, snuggling into her as she sipped the alcohol.

"He's just fuckin' with you, Lil," John jumped in, his words slightly slurred from the number of drinks he'd had. Lilian couldn't help but laugh as she turned to face Polly.

"How's the church?" she asked quietly. Polly couldn't hold back the smile that formed at the way the young woman looked so interested in the answer to such a simple question.

"It's good, my love. How are you?"

"Perfect, now that I'm with you," Lilian answered matter-of-factly, her smile wide and bright. Polly took a drag from her cigarette and blew it in Lilian's face, eliciting another giggle before they returned to the conversation with the boys.

The group continued to drink and smoke, gradually becoming more and more inebriated. After their first few drinks, everything was funnier, and the volume of their shouts and laughs rose steadily. Not long into Lilian's sixth drink, the sound of rain pattering on the roof caught her attention. She stood from Polly's lap, stumbling a little as she did so, and set her glass on the table.

"Where are you going?" Thomas asked, swinging his arm grandly causing his drink to spill over the edge of his glass.

"Outside," she said. "It's raining." She continued her path to the door, stopping just before she opened it. Lilian turned back to look at the group. "Art, come with me."

"No," he said firmly.

"Please," she whined, dragging it out like a child. After a few minutes of her incessant begging, Arthur sighed and stood. Lilian cheered, jumping up and down before taking his hand and dragging him outside. She pulled him into the middle of the street and started dancing, twirling around him and laughing as Arthur joined, finally giving in to her childishness. The others watched from the door as the pair jumped around in the rain, stomping in puddles and giggling.

"Alright, princess," the man huffed, out of breath as he kissed her forehead. "I'm going inside."

"Fine," Lilian pouted. Her expression changed, however, when she looked toward the house and saw Polly standing in the door with the other boys. "Pol, come dance with me!" Polly shook her head.

"Not a chance, sweet girl. Come inside; I don't want you getting sick." Lilian didn't say anything, simply looking back at her with her best sad puppy eyes and bottom lip stuck out. She knew Polly could never say no to that face. She was right; Polly rolled her eyes and walked into the street, ignoring the hoots and hollers coming from the boys behind her. The older woman cringed slightly at the feeling of her wet clothes sticking to her, but the thought melted away as Lilian wrapped her arms around her waist and held her close. They swayed gently in the rain, holding each other. Lilian's head rested in the crook of Polly's neck while Polly laid her cheek against the woman's hair.

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