Chapter 5

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A/N: There's a time skip of about a month here :)

"Art, where's Finn?" Lilian yelled from the kitchen. She was almost done making lunch for the boy, but she wasn't sure where he was.

"He's outside playing with the others," Arthur replied.

"Can you go get him? Tell him I made his favorite." Lilian continued to move quickly around the kitchen, her skirt swishing around her legs as she went. The front door being swung open and the distant sound of Arthur's booming voice made it known to her that he was doing as she asked. She took the plated food to the dining room, and a few minutes later could hear both Arthur and Finn's voices. Lilian's brows furrowed when she heard the sound of another man's voice. It sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. She abandoned the thought as Finn came sprinting through the door.

"I'm soooo hungry," he whined. Lilian laughed and ruffled his hair before showing him to his food.

"Enjoy, little man," she said, leaving him to eat his food. She wanted to investigate the mysterious voice she'd heard earlier. She walked into the parlor from the dining room, and time froze. Both men were sitting at the table talking and laughing. Arthur was the first to notice the woman standing near the doorway.

"Lil! This guy says he's a friend of yours. He was talking to Finn when I went to go get him," he said with a wide grin. She turned to look at the burly man. He was muscular, but not much larger than Arthur, and had a dark beard. His eyes were nearly black.

"Lily. I-" Lilian cut him off.

"Get out," she growled. Arthur had seen Lilian mad but never like this. This was something else entirely. The man stood from his chair and spoke again.

"Don't be like that. It's been such a long time," he said, a smile on his face.

"No shit. There's a reason for that, Alexander. Leave." She was holding back a flood of emotions, but the walls she'd built up were wearing thinner and thinner with every second he stood in front of her.

"Just hear me out, Lily, please. I don't like how we left things," Alexander said as he took a few steps closer to her. He reached his hand up to put it on her cheek, and she flinched. Lilian took a step back.

"Don't you dare try to touch me, you bastard! Get the fuck out of my sight, and never come back here. You are not, and will never be, welcome here or anywhere near me and my family," she yelled. The tone and volume of her voice had drawn the attention of Thomas, Polly, and John in the main room, and they quickly made their way into the parlor. Lilian was visibly shaking at this point, and tears were begging to spill down her cheeks.

"I know you don't mean that. The way that boy talks abo-" Before he could finish his sentence, Lilian had him pressed up against the wall with her blade to his throat.

"Don't you ever mention that little boy!" she seethed. The others stood and watched, unsure whether they should intervene or not. They shared questioning glances and remained where they stood.

"Lilian, come on. This isn't you. Come home to me, and we can work this out. I miss you," Alexander said, shaken slightly by the aggression coming from the young woman. She pressed the blade a little bit deeper into his skin as she spoke. Her voice had dropped to a lethal level, just loud enough for everyone to hear, but quiet enough to be terrifying.

"You don't get to miss me, Alex; you lost that right the day you killed my baby."

"I'm sorry, Lily. It was a mistake, you know that. I never meant to hurt you or our baby," he said. Lilian took a step back, and he let out a sigh of relief, thinking she had finally calmed, but he was wrong. She slapped him, hitting him hard enough that his face burned a sickly red, and his head snapped to the side.

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