~ TWO | 2 ~

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    Izuku and I walked home together in silence. He lived a couple houses down from where I did so we would always try to walk together. 

"Hey mom! I'm home!" I yelled as I stepped through the front door

    I noticed my mom and Inko in the living room so I peaked my head back out of the door.

"You're mom's here too if you want to hang out for a while"


    We opened the door enough that he could get through and then closed it. I hung up Izuku and I's bags and dragged him to the kitchen for food.

"You're not making me cook anything again, are you?"

"Hell no, you almost burnt down the whole house last time" I laughed


"Still happened"

   I ignored his excuses and started making chicken nuggets. Izuku fawned over them for a while because they were a limited edition hawks brand. He whipped out his phone and started searching all over the internet to see if he could find any more boxes.

    I put the food in the oven and when to sit beside Izuku. I put my head on his shoulder and watched him, he was muttering to himself and was very distracted. He had stopped searching for the nuggets, but was searching for the box instead. I laughed to myself as I watched him obsess over a box.

    I zoned out and only zoned back in when the oven dinged. It scared me a bit so I jumped, startling Izuku out of his trance. I got up and took the food out, I put it on a plate and started eating it.

"HOT!" I yelled

"Well yeah, you just took them out"

"I don't have the time or patience to sit there and watch them cool off"

"Fair enou-"



    Izuku ran over to me and took the plate out of my hands. I started chasing him around the kitchen, a chicken nugget still burning my tongue. Eventually, I caught up to him and grabbed his shirt. 

    He was abruptly stopped and yanked back, so he dropped the plate. I watched the plate shatter and the chicken nuggets flying all over the room. I watched in horror, he ruined my food. I slowly turned my head towards him as he stared at me in pure terror.

"Spare me please"

    I let out a battle cry and pounced on him. I pinned him to the ground and grabbed a chicken nugget off of the ground. I forcefully opened his mouth and started shoving chicken nuggets in his mouth silencing him. 

"What the hell are you guys doing?" 

    I turned around and watched my mom and Inko stare at us.

"He dropped my food"

"Oh okay. Anyway, we're going out for dinner. Midoriya, you can stay the night. Also, Y/N; don't let Midoriya make dinner. You guys can order pizza or something but for the love of All Might do not burn my house down"

"Okay bye" 

    I got off of Izuku and helped him out.

"You can get the nuggets out of your mouth y'know"


    He started trying to get all of the food out of his mouth. I laughed at him as he coughed all of it up, I felt a little bit bad but he ruined my food so he deserves it. I picked up the house phone and called for pizza.

    Soon, the doorbell rang and we raced to the door. He opened it and I pushed him out of the way, grabbing the money from his hand in the process. I grabbed the pizza and met him on the couch, we turned on our favourite movie and started watching while stuffing our faces with the food.

    We cleaned up the mess we had made and decided to go to bed. Izuku and I have had a tradition since we were kids, we always make a fort and sleep in it. 

    We grabbed all of the blankets and pillows from throughout the house and went to my room and started setting up a fort. I pulled down my LED lights and set them up in the fort to add some badazzle. 

    We took the mattress off of my bed and struggled to get it into the fort without ruining anything. Eventually, we got it in and had to fix only a few things. We set up all of the pillows and blankets we had left over on the inside to make it kind of look like a nest. 

    We layed down in it and tried to fall asleep. Izuku fell asleep first, he talks sometimes so it's usually entertaining when he does. Usually it's just him talking about All Might or heroes in general.

    He raised his fist and I looked at him confused.

"Plus ultra" he mumbled 

    I stared at him for a second before laughing my ass off, I was trying to be quiet but the laughing was making my whole body vibrate. Eventually I managed to get a hold off myself and didn't end up waking Izuku up. I rolled onto my side and slowly fell asleep.

Glitter ~ Izuku Midoriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now