~ FIFTEEN | 15 ~

513 13 4

    I woke up early the next morning and texted Izuku. 


Where and when do you want to meet?

What's bones?

Uhh.. we can meet at F/S (Favourite shop) and at around 11?


Sounds good, see you then :)

    I got ready and before I knew it, it was time to leave. I walked to the shop because it wasn't very far from my apartment and stepped through the door. I scanned the room and saw Izuku already at a table just on his phone. 

    I walked over to him and sat down in the chair across from him.



"So what'd you wanna meet about"

"Just to catch up again"

"Thank you" Izuku said to the waiter as he handed him two drinks.

"I hope this is still your favourite"

"Yeah it is, thank you" I said as he handed me my drink

    I noticed something on his hand and grabbed his hand.

"Huh?" he looked very confused

"How the hell did the glitter stay?"

"Oh, well, about a week after the party I noticed that the glitter wasn't there anymore, so I went as got my hand tattooed so it looks like it's still there"


"Yeah, why'd we stop talking?"

"I don't know. I guess we just both got busy"

"Can we start hanging out again?"

"Yeah, I'd like that"

Glitter ~ Izuku Midoriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now