~ TWELVE | 12 ~

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*A few important catch up details that need to be included

Y/N has her quirk back, it came back in the middle of training camp (She was doing the extra courses)

Izuku and Y/N have kept their secret of having feelings for each other a secret

that's pretty much it




~Time skip to their graduation~

"That was class 3A, who we will all miss dearly. And that is the end of the ceremony! We say goodbye to all of the third years as they go out into the world and pursue their dreams of being heroes! I'm sure you will all do great." Priciple Nezu spoke to the crowd.

    The crowd cheered as we were all ushered off of the stage. We went back to our dorms, and decided to throw a party. There was a cooking group, a shopping group and a decoration group. I was a part of the decoration group. We made mostly paper decorations and hung them all around the lounge area. Mr. Aizawa ended up coming down from his room and brought us a few drinks for the party.

    Soon, everything was ready and the party started. 



"Why do you look so sad?"

"We're all going to be leaving. And we're both going to different places so we wont be able to see each other very much"

"I guess so"

"AH! Sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad too"

    I thought about something for a second before reaching up at one of the decorations of the ceiling and rubbed glitter off of it. I grabbed his hand and traced over one of his scars with the glitter.

"What are you doing?"

"My dad used to say that glitter was like cancer, and that it never goes away. I know it's actually horrible but-"

"I get it" He smiled

"Let's go get a drink" I said and we went to the kitchen

    It was late in the evening, all of us were drunk except Iida, Momo, Tokoyami and Sero. Sero was the DJ, so he didn't want to get too drunk. Some of us had a little bit of sense left while everyone else was absolutely hammered. I walked over to Izuku who was drinking in the kitchen and grabbed his hand.

"Come and dance with meeeeee"


    I pulled him out to the dance floor and we danced the night away, until Mineta threw up.


"Really man?"

"That's disgusting"

"Bitch-" I started walking towards him

"I was having FU-"

    I went to swing at him but Izuku held my arm back. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

    I wont up the next morning to the sun in my face. I opened my eyes and rolled over, and saw a shirtless Izuku next to me.

"What the-"

    I analysed the situation and realized what had happened.

"Well shit"

Glitter ~ Izuku Midoriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now