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    I woke up on time the next morning, but was super tired. I groaned as I hopped out of me bed a little too fast. My vision turned black and I held my arms out to either side of me for balance.

"Y/N IT'S TIME T- what the hell are you doing?"

"Stood up to fast"

"Oh well, good to see you're awake. Hurry up and get ready, I'll drive you and we can stop and get food on the way"


    Once my vision went back to normal, I put my uniform on and went out the door. It was kind of nice not rushing myself so early in the morning.

"Hurry up, we still have to grab stuff on the way!" my mom yelled from the door

    Well, so much for that.

    We sped off towards F/S (Favourite shop) and grabbed food before heading to the school. I got there early and decided to just wait in the class for everyone to show up. 

    Soon, the class flooded with students and they were all talking rather loudly to each other. Soon, I developed a massive headache. Izuku walked in and saw me at my seat and walked over.

"What are you doing here so early?"


"Don't shhhh me"

"No actually though, I have a headache. You can talk just not super loud please"

"But they're all yelling?"

"I'm trying to block them out"

"One second-" he covered my ears "-EVERYONE SHUT UP" he yelled, I could faintly hear him


"Mhm. Thank you" I put my head down on my desk and layed there until class started

    Izuku ended up staying with me until class started, he had his hand on my head the whole time because he knows that I find that comforting.

"Hello class. Today we're going to an off-campus facility at the USJ for rescue training with pro-hero Thirteen. Either get in your gym uniforms or hero costumes. But remember, you haven't used your hero costume much so it might slow you down. Meet you all outside"

     We all got ready, and we all ended up wearing our costumes. We got onto the bus and headed to the USJ.

"Can I sit here?" Izuku asked 

"Yeah, of course"

"Is your headache gone?"

"No, I'm just trying to ignore it"

"You could probably sleep for a bit"

"Buses aren't comfortable, thanks though"

    The moved his arm around me and pulled my head toward his shoulder.

"You're headache is just going to get worse if it doesn't go away and we're all training. It'll also probably affect your performace. Relax a bit so it can go away"

"Fine. Thanks, Izuku"

"Yeah" I heard before I fell asleep

"Hey hey, we're here"


"You have to get up"

"No I don't?"

"We're at the USJ, you have to get up" 

"Oh yeah, I kind of forgot what we were doing"

"Is your headache gone now?"

"Yeah, thanks again"



    Everyone shut up and we entered the massive, dome shaped building. Thirteen greeted us and started explaining what we would be doing, when a black smoke in a circular shape appeared in the centre of the building.

"Has it started already?"

"Stay back!"

    Aizawa ran down the stairs that were in front of us towards the scene.

"What's going on?"

"This is real. Those are real villains"


    We all stood there, watching Aizawa fight all of the villains as the sence unfolded in front of us.

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