~ FIVE | 5 ~

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    The purple cloud thing appeared on the platform we were on and started monologing, which was quite annoying honestly. Thirteen got ready to use her quirk when suddenly Kirishima and Bakugou jumped at the villain in an attempt to attack it.

"Get out of the way!" 

    There was a bunch of smoke, the pair was on the opposite side of the villain. But, the villain took no damage from the attack. The villain got mad, and surrounded everyone. Suddenly, I was falling out of the sky onto what looked like the landslide zone of the USJ.

    I created a giant-sized paper bird and safely landed on top of one of the buildings.

"HEY Y/N!" I heard someone yell

    I looked over and saw Kirishima and Bakugou running towards me. Suddenly, I felt a sort of prescence behind me and whipped around to see a villain ready to throw a punch at me. I dodged and quickly made a gorrilla that grabbed the villain by it's legs and smashed it into the groud until it was unconsious.

"Woah! That was so fast!" Kirishima said

"Looks like we're in for a fight" Bakugou said and smirked at all of the villains that had been surrounding us

"This is going to be hard" I whispered to myself, but Kirishima overheard me


"Because Bakugou's explosions are going to end up lighting the paper on fire, but then again we may be able to work with the extra smoke that's created from that"

"We'll figure something out as we go! Come on, we can do this!"

"Yeah! Let's go!"

     Kirishima and I charged into the fight that had already begun.

     I made a huge paper dragon and purposly made it fly into one of Bakugou's explosions. The tail caught on fire and it started flying around, hitting the villains in the face over and over again with it's flaming tail. 

    This continued for a while, until most of the villains were down.

"Let's go find our other classmates! They might need help!"


"They can handle themselves. Especially if the villains are small fry's like these guys" Bakugou said as he cought a villain in his hand and exploded his head

"Okay, yeah"

    We all left the landslide zone and went to the main area. All Might was here! He was fighting what looked to be the three main guys. I noticed Tsu and Mineta trying to carry Aizawa up the stairs towards Thirteen and a few other students.

"I'm going to help Aizawa! He's badly hurt! You guys should come with!"

"No, we've got to help All Might out" Bakugou said


"We'll be alright" Kirishima smiled reassuringly before runing to catch up with Bakugou who was headed in the direction of All Might

"Okay" I said, more to myself than anyone else

    I started sprinting towards the pair that was carrying Aizawa. I lifted Aizawa up near his stomach and started helping to carry him up the stairs. We all watched the fight from the platform above as the pro-heroes ran in with Iida leading them.

"Your class representative is back! And I brought back up!" he yelled and the heroes got to work right away

    A big villain was blown out of the roof and definitely wasn't coming back. After a few gun shots through and in his body, the main guy with blue hair left thanks to the purple mist man. The police showed up soon after and all of the villains but the two that escaped were arrested and taken away. 

    We were all almost unharmed. The worst injuries being scrapes except for Izuku, both of his legs were broken. But, that was a normal occurrence because his quirk seemed to hurt him.

    We all had to talk to a few officers about our experience, but afterwards we were excused from school for the next day. I grabbed all of my stuff as well as Izuku's and rushed to the hospital to check up on him. 

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