~ TEN | 10 ~

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    I woke up to someone shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Izuku with two plates of pancakes. I grabbed both and he just stared at me in shock.

"Just kidding" I laughed and handed him back one of the plates whilst sitting up

"Dang, I was ready to Detroit smash your ass to the sun" 

"Oh! Is our arm completely healed yet?" I asked with a mouthful of food

"Recovery lady said that the bone was fine yesterday, but she did say that it's probably be in pain for the next little bit and it is"

"Well I mean, at least it's not actually broken anymore I guess"

"Yeah, I just want it to stop being in paainnnn" he complained

    I grabbed his arm, to which he winced, and planted a kiss on his arm.

"There, all better" 

    He stayed silent and when I looked up at him, there was a tomato staring back. I swear, he gets flustered by everything so damn easily.

~Izuku's POV~

    This bitch- this... AH. This bitch made mE CATCH FEEELINNNGGGSSSS. I felt like I thought of her as more than a friend, like maybe a best friend for a while back but this is mORE THAN THATTTT. I DON'T WANNA FEEL THINNGGSSSS I JUST WANNA KEEP BEING FRIENDS WITH HERRRRR.

    Well how the hell am I supposed to tell her without being awkward? Maybe I just shouldn't tell her? Yeah, that's right, I just won't tell her! I'll just push my feelings deep down and just not think about it.

~Y/N's POV~

    We looked at the time and realized that it was almost noon.

"Damn, we slept for a while" I pointed out


"Ughhh I don't wanna get up yetttttt"

"Heh, yeah"

"Oh, thanks for the pancakes by the way"

"You're welcome"

    He grabbed the TV remote off of my nightstand and plopped himself onto the bed beside me.

"What are you doing?"

"Well you said you didn't want to get up yet, so do you want to just lay there doing nothing or do you wanna continue watching our show?"

    We started a show forever ago that I had completely forgot about.

"OH YEAH! We can finish it today"

    He smiled back at me before turning putting the show on. We sat there watching for a long time, until our parents came back from work called us down for dinner. We ate our food and went back upstairs to our show. 

    We finished the entire show just before 11. We weren't tired though, mainly because the end of the show was a cliffhanger so we were mad but whatever. We went downstairs and rampaged through all of the cupboards to which we found nothing that we wanted.

    Izuku and I decided to just go out somewhere. Our parents were already asleep so I just texted my mom and told her that we went to get food. We got out of the house and started walking down the streets in the middle of the road, the street wasn't a very busy street.

    We were purpously bumping into each other slightly until there was someone at the end of the street staring at us. Their silluette was just visible in the dim, dying street light. Suddenly, there was a quick shine of light and the street light went out.

    I felt a shooting pain go through my body and I felt something dig into my side. I was quickly pinned down by whoever this was as she dug whatever it was further into my body. 

"Y/N!" Izuku yelled

    Izuku tried to run over to me but blue flames surrounded him. I tried activating my quirk, but it wasn't working. I struggled to get out from underneath whoever this was, my vision was becoming blurry as I lost a lot of blood. Suddenly, the pain stopped and everything went away. I looked over towards Izuku and saw two people leave in a very familiar purple smoke-like substance.

Glitter ~ Izuku Midoriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now