Just a Nip

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Hey readers just a quick note here. This story will publish weekly to give myself time since I'm also working on other projects but I can promise that a good number of chapters are done so not too much to worry about. The three fer was just a debut thing. Hope you enjoy Do or Die and that I do the concept justice. Again this idea was born from Beatrice's awesome animatics on YouTube. 



Hold for seven.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Release for eight.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Only the rich purple blanket splattered with a web pattern kept the anxious side from carving crescents into his palms.

Virgil repeated the process two more times, counting each sequence slowly. Once his breathing followed the therapeutic rhythm Virgil plopped himself back on the pillow hitting the headboard.

"Ow," he mumbled. He turned to his side but not fast enough to avoid the whiff of sizzling bacon.

He could imagine the fatherly aspect in the kitchen making a meal catered to each of his 'kiddos' likes.

Simple eggs and bacon with coffee for Logan.

Smiley face pancakes with whipped cream hair for Roman.

And the bare bones for Virgil with a strong, black coffee to stave off exhaustion.

Well he was awake, why not?

Virgil trudged down the stairs rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He'd much rather not have Patton fussing over his lack of sleep or possible guilt of having disturbed him by being so sweet.

"Morning Patt," he said making him startle.

"Oh hey kiddo you're up early everything alright?" Patton asked.

"Fine, need a hand?" Virgil asked.

"I'd appreciate it, but you sure you don't wanna catch some more- more-" he tried and failed to stifle a huge yawn.

Okay now he was absolutely helping.

Turns out he was a little too... jumpy to pour the batter and agonized over the ingredients. Unlike Patton whose hands moved with such surety and grace it was practically muscle memory. Virgil did pick up on how the action was sluggish, especially for him.

Once or twice he nearly stumbled while getting something or another from the fridge.

"Don't worry kiddo, just a bit- bit feather headed today," he said with a light laugh. Even his puns were suffering.

"No you are sitting down right now and I'll take care the rest," he insisted pushing Patton towards a chair.

Again he nearly fell. 

Virgil grabbed on hard only to realize what else this could look like. He'd seen enough fan art, some of which creeped him out, but that wasn't important.

"Uh I'm- I'm sorry about that," he said with Patton sitting. "Guess I'm just being para- anxious as usual."

"Hey now, don't say that," Patton urged, "it isn't a bad thing to see what others might not want to see. I'm sorry for giving you a reason to worry."

"Well there was no reason to be worried I assume."

"All the same I'll take a nap on the couch after breakfast just to be on the safe side, pinky swear."

Virgil ladled up the plates putting the remaining platter of pancakes on the table just in time for Logan to come down.

"Roman will be down in a moment," he reported cleaning his glasses, "late night inspiration."

"Okay that's fine," Patton answered as if it were still his responsibility to store the plate in the fridge. Not on Virgil's watch.

"Thank you Virgil. Is everything alright it is not normal for you to be serving breakfast," he noted.

"Patton's tired today. Got a problem?" he said more defensively than he should have.

"No that is not what I meant and I believed that was clear. Was I wrong?" Logan asked an unpleasant implication in the question.

Neither emotional side present wanted a fight. "Guess I'm not really at my best either. Sorry Lo," he grumbled.

The three tucked into their meals soon joined by Roman, fully dressed in his Prince costume and full of overwhelming positivity.

"Good morrow friends and fine nerd," Roman expressed flouncing onto his seat with a ridiculous twirl.

Next to him Virgil rolled his eyes. "Ugh you got up on the annoying side of the bed didn't you?"

"Hah nice try Dreary Styles, actually no it wasn't-"

"Now Roman be nice," Patton chided. Least he was looking a bit more alive.

"I'm fine Pops, despite the royal crash and burn," Virgil said.

"Yes don't worry, just a bit of practice. Must keep our silver tongues sharp," Roman said a silent challenge in his brown eyes.

Virgil responded in kind with an almost patronizing smirk. "That thing's corroded beyond help by now. Dull as your ideas these days."

Roman was cowed only capable of his offended Princey noises. Hello three days with his Black Cauldron cassette and plush.

"You two are just impossible," Patton said fondly, "but Roman remember you're the prettiest snowflake."

He made to stand up. Probably get more juice for the pitcher or something.

Virgil noticed it first blocking out Roman's gratitude for the obvious statement. 

The father's eyes were shrouded turning to a dull sleepy haze. A moment later Logan noticed.


His legs bent and the side collapsed to the floor in a heap.

Roman and Logan were at his side at once. The logical aspect cradled his head, gaze somber as he checked for a pulse.

"He's alive but fading," Logan reported a strain in his usual composure. "If only we knew what-"

"Deceit," Roman spat.

Virgil's steps were near silent not wanting to interrupt. After all what help could he be with all his thoughts and fears whipping furiously through his skull. Despair had already been creeping into his conscious, freezing and shaping into something petrifying. A set of memories he had tried so hard to repress clamoring intrusively in his fraught mind.

"He doesn't have long," Logan warned, "we need an antidote."

"And how do we do that?" Roman demanded. "It isn't like we could just pop in and say 'hey our friend is poisoned can we borrow a cup of anti venom."

"I'm not sure frankly," he sighed, "but asking is our best bet."

Virgil bit his lip, careful to keep his breathing steady. Logan was right as usual. The only way was to ask him. And being honest Virgil was likely the only one who could feasibly ask.

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