...To Be the Bad Guy

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A/N: Heya so I know I know. I owe you all an update. I won't make excuses. Life happened, mostly school, and I forgot. So I hope you enjoy this. Please leave a vote and comment. 



Patton shrieked. A scream of sheer terror and impending doom because the cruelly yellow snake was coiling reeds of oppressive muscle, opening it's mouth. 

Despite the sheer size and fatality rate the monster was so hypnotically beautiful. A coil of glittering gold and jewels. Fascinating, mismatched black markings and eyes too intelligent for an animal. Staring, no piercing into the Father figure with muted intent. 

How was that fair?

He wanted to ask. Wanted to shout it and complain. 

Slow and deliberate Patton had had the illusion of escaping. 

How he wasn't sure. 

The copy of Thomas' room had no door or windows. Just walls adorned with crayon marks, papers, stickers, and even some stains of jelly or pudding. 

That was an interesting choice as Thomas actually listened to his parents on his own about no food in the bedroom. 

Probably when told of all the creepy crawlies that would scuttle on a hundred legs across the floor, in his toys, and on his belly and colonize like an ant farm. Lay their eggs in his mouth. 

No wait the last details were his brothers Eric and Gordon. 

Not important though as Deceit shattered Patton's illusion when he reared and sent a storm of dust and plaster for his head. 

Only for a furious diamond shaped head to follow immediately afterward. 

Sides couldn't die, Sides couldn't die, Sides couldn't die. 

He kept repeating that to himself. 

Long as Thomas needed them, long as they served their function nothing Deceit did would out and out kill Patton. 

Make him hurt and make him vanish absolutely. But never die. Not unless he truly had no more to go on from. 

But even as bones snapped, knots formed on his skull and jostled his brain the worst Patton had was a migraine. 

That and a cough from all the dust now clinging to his clothes. 

"De-- Deceit this is no way to do things!" he exclaimed, propped on his elbow. "You are going to turn back and point me out of here--"

He was forced to roll. 

With a sassy flick the dresser came to splinters down on his head. 

"I don't wanna!"

"Let me out please! Roman and Logan will be worried sick!"

"They survived without me."

Patton whirled around. 

No. No. 

"You-- you need to leave. Just, just for a bit," he tried to assure to the young teen before him. One with languid limbs at his back. 

"No," he whimpered. "I won't-- I'll be good Patton please. Padre."

He turned his back. 

"Dee please just, just don't."

Coldly he pointed to the door. 

"Roman and Logan! What about them," he tried desperately cutting his heart in two. 

Only his voice came in such a horribly heartless tone. "I'll make sure they'll be okay. That isn't your concern anymore. Just focus on yourself."

"Please I beg you! I'm sorry!"

The ceiling high snake took him in his mouth, by the belt of his pants.

Swinging him about he very much felt like a chew toy. 

Oh no. Oh no. He wouldn't, he couldn't. Surely, surely even Dee wasn't so cruel. 

Dee wouldn't... eat Patton would he?

Catching him again after a faux toss he was ready to pray. Until the next throw shot him from the underground and into a body of green water. 

Patton sputtered for breath. 

Breaking the surface he found a tame setting considering who ruled this scape. 

A simple algae infested pond in a cave filled of glowing fairy white moss. 

An almost pretty setting and never mind how he'd come from a rocky gulf to an underground chamber. 

Patton should probably not think about it. 

Finding a maw to barely fit his body Patton escapes to rancid swamp fumes and ugly sludge. 

Even so he breathed in the unfiltered, poignant stench of gas. 

To find Roman and Logan. 

It was hard to even orient on which direction to go in. The backdrop waa already so chaotic and creaked at every breath with howls and screeches. The call of crickets and minnows. The ghastly snap of bones shattering and the sticky gulp of blood. 

"Daddy. Daddy."

"You're hurting me."

"Why would you hurt me?" the wind demanded of him in a dark, loathing tone. 

A boom came from his right rocking the soles of his feet and sending an eager tremor down his spine. 

Perhaps... Virgil?

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