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"And you let him?"

Logan bowed his head hands gripping the edges of his dresser.

Patton hadn't meant what he said, hadn't meant to make them feel at fault. He was surely distressed and perhaps traumatized from the near death and they had just stockpiled more bad news on top of that. Perhaps he had made a misstep in relaying the tale immediately.

There was no reason to be guilty. No logical reason to blame himself, he did all that was in his power. 

Yet there was still a pit in his stomach.

Yes, he certainly cared for Virgil as he did Roman or Patton. Not that he had that more intimate bond with the anxious side as the others did. Frankly that hadn't been the case in so long it could hardly count.

Breathe. Just take a breath and settle your nerves, collect your thoughts.

Such information wasn't relevant right now. Just focus.

What could Deceit want with Virgil? 

Petty revenge? Certainly, however when were things ever so simple?

There were always layers to Deceit's plans.

What would he gain from silencing, perhaps eliminating Thomas' Morality and regaining control of his anxiety?

On instinct Logan's eyes went to Thomas' schedule. There wasn't any major event planned for today. Just a bit of this and that for videos and some composing time.

Hang on a second that wasn't right.

February 9th. Thomas had planned on a visit to his Mother for an early Valentine's celebration.

Rather he had a date planned for that weekend. And then two days prior he had cancelled time with Joan for this man.

He strode over to a whiteboard that took most of one of the far walls. Clearing it of any tacked on research or notes he drew the emblems of each relevant side.

Roman's ornate crest, or at least a passable representation, Patton's, Virgil, and Deceit's twin snakes.

Something was certainly amiss. Logan hadn't planned these. That isn't to say Thomas couldn't deviate, he certainly did, causing him plenty of migraines.

Nearby requests for these deviations and many others piled high on his nightstand. A pile he had planned to throw away.

Hours shortened for video games. Seven dates planned for the next two months, some at the expense of friends, and even one of his livestreams.

Who would do this? He would know for a fact if Roman had done so and spending three free hours playing games when he could be creating or honing creative skills, certainly atypical.

Patton and Virgil himself were out as well. Both would be beside themselves at the possibility of snubbing friends.

Deceit certainly was the one responsible and the timing lined up as well. Certainly the kind of move for someone preparing a bigger plan. Yet how did the two connect?

With or without Virgil this change had been unseen by all of them. However the introduction of a romantic partner certainly explained Roman's newfound energy.

This all meant something he was sure of it. But what?

He scanned the calendar again, while writing each side's primary and secondary purposes on his whiteboard. Nothing was connecting. Just a bunch of random, confusing pieces.

Logan snarled dumping the event planner on the floor. A fist to the wall did nothing but make his hand smart.

He needed to control himself as hard as that would be. Deep breaths. Giving in to his emotions didn't help anyone. There was no reason for him to have them anyway. Logic and intelligence dealt in fact not sentiment.

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