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Two days had went by and Miranda never left the couch; she didn't eat, clean up or anything. Only to get up to use the bathroom and that's it. She just laid there crying herself back to sleep everytime.

She woke up with a pounding headache and the banging on her front door didn't help either. "MIRANDA? I KNOW YOU'RE HOME. YOUR CAR IS IN THE DRIVEWAY. MIRANDA?", Callie yelled and constantly banging until Miranda yelled back for her to go away.

Miranda figured Callie left because she didn't hear her anymore until her front door opened.

Callie almost dropped her things after walking in and seeing Miranda's house destroyed. "Miranda what the hell happened here?"

"Just please go away Callie...", Miranda said crying turning her face towards the back of the couch.

"Miranda the hospital and I has been calling you non-stop, we had two all hands on deck back to back, you're not answering your phone. Then I come here to make sure you're at least still alive, but to the looks of it you barely are and Ben isn't saying anything at work of your whereabouts. What happened between you two?"

Callie sat down on the couch trying to avoid the glass on the floor. "Miranda sit up", she said pulling her up.

"Just leave me alone."

"Miranda no, you can't continue to sit here like this everyday. It's not okay, nor is it healthy and you need to take a shower. So let's go. It'll make you feel a little better", Callie said pulling her up making her sit on the edge of the couch.

Miranda felt so exhausted from just sitting up. You used up all her energy from destroying the house and crying for the past 2-3 days. Her body was emotionally, mentally and physically done.

Callie helped Miranda to her room and took her into the bathroom and cut on the shower. "Now you either get in willingly or I put you in there with your clothes on. Pick your poison", Callie said demanding her to choose wisely.

Miranda rolled her eyes and started taking her shirt off and Callie turned around walking out shutting the door behind her.

She went into her closet to get her some clothes and underwear.

Miranda washed up and then just stood in the shower under the water wetting her hair then decided to just wash and condition it.

"Miranda you better be washing up", Callie yelled from the bedroom.

Miranda rinsed the conditioner out and twisted her hair up in a bun, then just sat down in the shower underneath the water crying. She started to reminisce about her and Ben when they took their adult showers and she didn't know if that'll ever happen again.

Callie heard Miranda crying and went into the bathroom. "Miranda sweety you can't stay in the shower please get out and get dressed. Here are your clothes and underwear", Callie said leaving them on the sink.

Miranda stood up, cut the water off and got out. She dried off and got dressed, but didn't put on any lotion like she usually does.

She opened the door and came out of the bathroom and went to sit down on the bed and Callie came and sat next to her. Callie waited until Miranda said something.

"He's leaving me Callie", she finally said after taking a deep breath.

"Did he say those exact words Miranda?"

"No not those exact words, but he can't even look at me Callie. What if he can never look at me again? I'm going to be dealing with a second divorce. I'm never getting married again. Ben is the only man for me and if he doesn't want me anymore I can't make him stay or love me."

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