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Ben finally woke up and looked over to Miranda's side and didn't see her. He figured she was in the kitchen or something, so he got up and went to the bathroom still half sleepy.

As he finished up in the bathroom he came out rubbing his eyes trying to see what was...."OH MY GOD MIRANDA", he yelled running over to her lying on the floor passed out.

"Baby baby wake up", he said tapping her. He checked her pulse and she was fine then checked around the back of her head gently to make sure she wasn't bleeding and she wasn't, but she did have a dark purple bruise on her temple. He checked both of their medical bags for a light to check her pupils and they were fine as well she was just knocked out from hitting her head. Ben wanted to get her to the hospital just to be cautious, but he needed to clean her up first.

*KNOCK KNOCK RING RING* someone was at the front door. "Miranda open up I know you're home", Callie yelled from outside.

When Ben came over last night he was so in a rush to get to Miranda that he parked on the street, so Callie didn't notice his car when she pulled in the driveway.

"Miranda we need to talk now", she yelled banging louder.

Ben was getting nervous with each knock and he didn't know why.

Ben finished cleaning Miranda up and slowly picked her up laying her on the bed getting her dressed as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Ben?", Miranda said opening her eyes and grabbing her head. "Oh Ben my head....it hurts so bad", she started to cry.

"I know baby you must've slipped or something and hit your head. You have a huge bruise on the side of your face", he said turning her head slightly to get a good look at it.

"All I remember is my legs felt incredibly weak and wobbly then I was out."

"Clearly you need to wait longer for your recovery period after having intense orgasms. I'm not letting you get up without me anymore."

She hit his chest, "Don't flatter yourself Sir. And who is at the door, is that Callie yelling?"

"Yeah but ima tell her leave so we can go okay", he said getting up.

"Go where?"

"To the hospital Miranda I need you to get checked out. I'm not taking any chances with a head injury you know better."

"Well I'm not going I'm going back to sleep I'm tired", she said laying down.

"Oh no you don't Miranda get up. That next sleep could put you into a coma."

"But I'm really tired and sleepy Ben", she said whining.

"Exactly the first signs after a head injury. Now wait right here while I go get some ice and tell Callie to leave."

Miranda nodded her head yes and finished getting dressed.

Ben went to the front door and answered it. "Ben? What are you doing here? Matter of fact nevermind that we need to talk", Callie said angrily making her way in.

"Well it's going to have to wait me and Miranda are busy right now and about to leave."

"Fine but we need to talk, bye", she said walking back out and shutting the door behind her.

Ben went into the kitchen to get some ice out of the freezer and put it in a zip lock bag. Something told him Miranda wouldn't listen and he hurried back to the room seeing Miranda laid back on the bed with her eyes shut panicked him.

He dropped the ice and went over to her, "Miranda baby....wake up", he said scared.

"Huh", Miranda said all groggy.

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