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"MILLER?.... VIC?...?", Ben yelled out as he was blindly stumbling through the wreckage coughing and breathing heavy.

"Yeah...we're good", Vic yelled back.

They were both in the far back helping keep the other car stabilized from falling onto others while helping them get out, but Ben could barely see them.

Someone yelled from the other car and Ben found his way over there by following their sound, but the fire was steady spreading. So he went behind the bar and poured the bucket of ice water over his entire body and wet a towel putting it over his mouth and nose then proceed to help the driver.


"Miller...I'm over here I can't get out the fire is surrounding us-..."

Half of the ceiling fell in blocking Miller and Vic from getting to Ben.

"Warren we'll be right back hold on...okay", Miller yelled as they slid out through the window and got tools from the truck to help get Ben out from the other side.


"Yeah...I think I'm pinned. The rest of the ceiling fell in."

"We're coming in."

At this moment that's when Ben realized why Miranda has been so upset and hurt because it was starting to look like there was a very slim chance that he may make it out alive.

"Warren?", Vic yelled.

"She's pregnant. I can't die. She can't lose me. I need to be there for her now and after", Ben said getting teary eyed.

"Stop talking and put this over your mouth. You're not going to die", Miller said before counting to 3 to lift up the pieces from over his legs and Vic pulled and pulled him out through the broken wall and onto the stretcher and Miller pulled out the driver.

"Miranda will not lose her baby daddy today", Miller said smiling and Ben hugged and thanked him.

"You have a death wish or something Warren.... Chill out on being the superhero", Vic said. "You're a baby daddy now!"

"God willing", Ben thought to himself.

"Soooooo can I go? Am I good to go?", Ben asked the EMT.

"You need to be checked out throughly Warren."

"Okay fine.... Hey Webber can you make sure I don't have any broken ribs or internal bleeding."

"Alright you're good to go Warren, but-..."

"Okay Torres can you can sure my legs aren't broken", he said standing up and walking back and forth.

"Warren you do need x-rays to clarify. You are running off adrenaline", Callie said.

"And Amelia can you check me out so I can go upstairs to my wife. I don't care if she's in surgery working on anyone. I need to see her now!"

"Webber sent her home Ben, she wasn't feeling good at all to work on any of these surgeries. Once she heard about Joe's she started having pains thinking you were in there. She already came into work feeling like shit, plus I told him. I couldn't risk her stressing", Callie said.

"What kind of sharp pains?", Ben asked scared.

"Ben where are you going? YOU'RE NOT CLEARED YET", Callie yelled as Ben jumped off the stretcher and ran out catching a cab home.

"Miranda...Miranda...MIRANDA?", Ben yelled busting into the house and running straight to their bedroom.

Miranda was sound asleep curled up on her side in the bed facing his side and Ben didn't even shower or change clothes. He just got into bed behind her holding her tight as possible. "I'm sorry Miranda. I get it now", he said crying into her back until he fell asleep too.

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