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"I think he or she has my nose Ben", Miranda said while looking at the ultrasound pictures of her and Ben's growing healthy baby.

"Miranda can't we just know the sex of the baby now", Ben said while cutting the car off and turning towards Miranda to kiss her cheek and then her belly. I love you little Bennetta."

Miranda laughed pushing him away. "Stop calling my baby names Ben."

"Then can we please find out the sex of baby in two weeks at our next appointment."

"I'll think about it, but you're still not naming him or her. Plus it's only 3 more months and then we get to meet our little Amari meaning miracle if it's a girl or Makari meaning blessed for a boy."

"How come you get to name her or him, but I don't....What about Bennada with two n's?"

"You are not naming our child Banana Ben."

"Haha that's not what I said....-"

"I don't care what you said. I care about what I'm craving and that's Wendy's chicken nuggets and a oreo McFlurry from McDonald's", she said softly moaning while licking her lips.

"Miranda we got food in the house." And she cut her eyes at him.

"You wanna know what else I'm craving Benjamin Warren?"

"Well if you get my McFlurry oreo ice cream then I'll eat it all off of you then I'll let you hit it from the back while you bend me over the couch and pour and lick the rest of the ice cream off of my back", she said softly leaning over grabbing at his penis rubbing it firmly.

"Dammmnnn woman I still haven't gotten use to this", he said as he turned the car back on and reversed it out the driveway.

As soon as Miranda finished her chicken nuggets and ice cream she fell asleep the rest of the way back home.

"You're all talk Miranda Bailey-Warren all talk", Ben said as he opened Miranda's side car door and scooped her up and out of the car and into the house placing her on her side in the bed and pulling the covering up some.

"I love you Benjamin", she said turning over as he walked out the room.

"I know and I'll be back to give you a nice bubble bath okay baby....and I want my from the back bent over the couch fun", he said smiling.

"Okay daddy!"

Miranda and Ben were doing good the past few months. After a month and a half Miranda stopped doing paperwork from home and just decided to go on real leave this time because things that weren't being done properly at work was only stressing her out and she promised herself and Ben that she'll do even extreme measures to stay stress free.

When Ben finally healed and went back to work, there was a new position that was definitely up Ben's alley and his boss offered it to him as long as he passed.

Ben was now studying and training for the PRT that the hospital funded and merged with the station to create a better response to patients at the scene. So that kept Ben pretty busy along with carrying for his pregnant wife, but Miranda was a lot happier and less stressed out about his new career change again.

"Bennnnnnnnnn", Miranda yelled from the shower.

Ben dropped everything and ran into the bathroom from the kitchen. "Miranda baby what's wrong?"

"I think it'sssssss oooh shhhitttt....time", she said in pain while grabbing onto the shower curtains pulling them down and Ben grabbed onto her holding her up.

"Okay baby come on", he said as he cut the shower off and wrapped her in a towel then placed his feet firmly on the rug so he wouldn't slip and reached in picking her up like a baby as she wrapped her arm around his neck and leaning her head onto his chest. "Ben hurry up before another contraction comes and I accidentally decapitate you."

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