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y/n pov

I finally finished making dinner, all that left was the sauce Jin was making.

"You should change into that outfit of yours. I'll take care of the rest." He reassured. "Thank you, Jin."

I walked upstairs to my room, when I remembered jimin was being weird with some of the boys in there. I figured I'd just use the upstairs bathroom to change.

Feeling kind of iffy on the outfit, I made up excuses incase they make fun of me and gained enough confidence to go back downstairs.

"Wow, y/n you look great. Can you get everyone?" I nodded and went upstairs.

Fist I knocked on Tae's door where him, Jungkook and Hobi where. "Omg get it bestie" jungkook said looking up from his phone.

"Dinner is ready, thanks bestie." I laughed, moving into the second room.

I knocked but left the door closed, though the shuffling seemed to have stopped. "Dinner is ready. Come down soon please." I wasn't expecting a reply, but namjoon, yoongi and jimin stepped out right away.

"Thank you, let's go." Yoongi rushed downstairs with namjoon. About to walk down with the other two, jimin stopped me and crashed his lips to mine. "Where'd that come from?" I blushed.

"You're making it hard to wait for tonight." His full eyes peircing mine, as he draped the jacket once on him over my shoulders. "It's for me, sorry darling."

With another kiss on the cheek, he walked past me downstairs. Face red and full of shock, I stayed upstairs and extra minute to catch my stolen breath.

Before heading downstairs, I placed the boys small gifts where they sleep. Jimins was still in the room, but I got the clear message that I'm not allowed in the for a while.

"What took you forever?" Tae asked. "Sorry, I had to do something." I saw jimin smirk to himself.

I sat at the end of the table, next to jimin. We ate together and talked, having our usual fun. It was nice, they're so busy all the time that we never do this often.

Mid conversation about one of namjoons funny encounters with other idols, jimin placed his hand on my thigh. I looked at him, but he acted like nothing happened. Little did he know my stomach was filled with butterflies and I subconsciously stopped breathing for a minute.

Trying to carry on listening and laughing as I did before, my thoughts where trapped by the warm hand on my skin. And what did he mean by tonight?

The night was hard to enjoy withought thoughts I'd rather not explain slipping through my mind. Eventually everyone had broken up into sperate conversations, small ones all along the table.

"I found the best way to go public." Jimin turned with excitement. I just smiled back giving him the same energy, signaling him to go in. "We have an interview on march fourteenth, which happens to fall on white day. What if while all the others wore black outfits I wore something colorful?"

I could tell he thought of a bunch of ways, indicating how exited he was. "Oo we should match that day too." He giggled at my suggestion. "It's settled then. I can't wait!" It made me happy how exited he was, he really put so much thought into everything.

Minnie time skip

"Nose goes on who has to do the dishes?" Tae said as everyone was finished. Everyone raced to touch their noses but hobi and Jin where the last ones. After bickering about who was fastest, they agreed to do them together.

It was around eleven, so we all went of doing our separate things. I assumed half where playing videogames and the others probably on their phones somewhere.

"Let's go upstairs." Jimin took my hand leading me. We walked over to my room as he finally revealed it to me.

It had a dozen of my favorite flowers, and cute things where all over. A tedy bear was sitting on the chair at my desk and romantic rose pedals where scattered around everywhere. There where gifts set up on my dear along with the bear.

"It's valentine's day, I thought it was supposed to be me doing this!" I turned towards him. "But it's our first valentine's day. I wanted it to be special. Why do you not like it?"

"No, no that's not it at all. These are so cute!" I took his hand. "Let me get you your things now. I'm sorry I didn't do as much as you..." He took my other hand and kissed both. "Having you is already the best valentine's day."

My eyes widened, I took my hands from his and wrapped them around him.  Chuckling from my reaction, he put one arm around me and the other held my head close to him. 

"So I was thinking, new attack on titan episode or the notebook?" He asked, staying in the same position. 

I moved my head from looking to the side to looking up at him, "Both." He smiled at the answer.

"You still need to open your things," I let go and walked over to the desk where it was.

We sat in the bed together as I gave him the small ish back and a black hoodie under it.  He first looked at the hoodie, seeing that it had the date we officially started dating on the sleeve near the wrist.

"I have a matching one in the closet." I started getting embarassed, "Sorry if it looks bad i-" "Y/n I love it." His smile that made my stomach do cartwheels appeared on his face. 

He continued to open the bag, it had a ring a pair of earrings.  The ring had an infinity sight that also kind of looked like an eight.   "It's like the eight if us.  Thank you." We hugged for a while after that, and he put the ring on.

My gifts felt dumb now that he did all of this, but I hope he liked them.

Hey sorry I literally abandoned this story.. I promise I'll upload more😭
Also the next chapters gonna be like spicy so fair warning;)

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