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"Y/n...um let's go to a park?" Jimin said, but u could tell that not what he initially wanted to say. "Yeah, let's go!"

There was a park near by, so we decided to just go there.

"Jiminie, what do you want to do at the park?" I asked. "Let's just talk there.  I havent really been out alone with you alot, I like doing things like that. " Jeez, the smallest things he say always make me blush.

"There's a bench right there, let's go sit." He offered and we walked there.  "Is there anything you want to talk about?" I asked. "Yes." He said, which scared me a bit. 

We got to the bench and sat together.  "Y/n, you've been here for seven months now."  I didn't realize it had been that long.  "Wow, yeah I guess I have.  Why, do you want me to move out?" I teased.

"No, not at all.  I want to tell you something but you have to promise me one thing before I do."  He looked so serious while talking. "We'll always be friends, you me and the 6 at home, right?"

"What? Of course.  I love you all.  You guys are my family."  I said and he smiled. 

Suddenly jimin pulled me in for a hug.  His chin was on my head, and my face in his chest again.  "Good."  "Why, is something happening?" We stayed like that.

"I like you y/n." He said, still not moving. "I've liked you for so long now.  I understand if you don't feel the same, and we'll act like this never happened."

I was shocked by his sudden confession, and didn't know what to say. "What? I like you too, you dummy." I said blushing hard.  He let go of our previous hug and looked me in the eyes.  "You do?" He said looking relived.  "Yes, I like you alot..." I said looking down.

He lifted my chin and the next thing I felt was his lips on mine. It was a sweet kiss, not too long, but perfect. After, he hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Y/n, I like you so much." He must have seen me get shy, because he laughed at me.  "What about the others?" I asked. "Tae said it was fine." He reassured me.

"Can you promise me something though?" I asked again. "Of course."
"Bts and the boys come first." I held my pinky out for a pinky promise.

He laughed again at my silly promise, but I was serious about it. "I promise." He intertwined our pinkies.

"Let's get home, you're probably cold in that." He said getting up and holding his hand out for me to take it.

I laughed softly and took his hand resting my head on his arm while walking to the car.  "Let's make a deal and not have it awkward at home?" I suggested, as jimin laughed at me. "Deal."

At home

"I'm nervous." I admitted as we got in the drive way. "Nothing would really change, just the fact that you're my girlfriend now... Yeah never mind me too." He said as we both stared at the door. 

"Ok, game plan.  We walk in the house, not saying anything, but just holding hands." I suggested. "Smart, but I think we did that even before.  What if I call you baby or babe." I shot my head his way and blushed harder than before. 

I was going to say something until he kissed me and stopped me from arguing. Of course, I was happy, but I was still not on board with his plan.

He got out of the car and came to my side opening the door for me. "Wow, what a gentleman." I teased. "I've always been a gentleman, nothing's changed." He joked.

"We're home!" I said as jimin opened the door. 

we were greeted my the smell of Jin making a late breakfast for everyone.  "Ok, all I have to do is not ask jimin anything, then he won't call me anything embarrassing."  I thought to myself. 

We walked into the kitchen where all the boys where, and Jimin sat down next to hobi.  I walked over to Jin and hugged him while he was finishing cooking. 

"Good morning, how was your morning out?" He asked. "It was great, how is your morning?" I said smiling more than usual, probably because my new boyfriend confessed to me an hour ago.

"Well, those five where arguing about weather kookie cheats or he's just really good." The boys where close enough to hear us.  "He definitely does." Taehyung said. Here we go.

"How would I cheat? Maybe I'm just better than all of you!" (Jk)
"No way, you definitely do."(jh)
"He's just good guys, he's our golden maknae after all."(NJ)
"Although it's weird he always wins, I don't think he's cheating."(yoongi)

Me and Jin laughed at all if them, and we all ended up laughing. "But we all know I'm the best at videogames." Jimin said, though he made a face knowing he made a mistake.

"That was a mistake." I said while all the boys where making a face at Jimin. "How would you be the best when I win all the time?" Jungkook snapped. Wow, I didn't know he could do that.

I saw hobi slowly slide his chair out.  All of a sudden he jumps up grabbing jimin by the waist and pulling him to the couch. Just like that, they were all tickling him.

"NO STOP IT PLEASE" Jimin said in-between laughs.  "TAKE IT BACK FIRST" Taehyung said back.  Now all of them where far enough to not hear me and Jin. 

"Jin...me and Jimin are dating." I blurted quietly.  He stopped what he was doing and looked at me.  "Finally" was all he said and hugged me. "Am I the only one that knows?" He asked.  "Considering it was an hour ago, yes, you're the only one."  He laughed at me and went back to the food.  "How do we tell them?"

"Have jimin call you  babe or something. Or you say it, whatever makes you happy." He suggested, just like jimin. "That's exactly what jimin said. It's kind of embarrassing though." He chuckled at me again.

Just while I was talking to him, my phone rang.  "Sorry, I'll be right back." I walked into the other room. 


Lisa: "y/n! What are tonight's plans?"

Y/n: "oh, I compleatly forgot! I'll ask right now, I'll text the gc in a minute."

Lisa: "ok! If they don't want us to come over Jennie's offer is still up"

Y/n: "thank you, bye love youuuu"

Lisa "love you tooooo!"

End of call

I went back into the kitchen where everyone was again, but a pouting jimin this time.  "Y/n, you didn't help me. You're supposed to help you're boyfriend when his mean band mates attack him."

He was pouting before, but now smirking knowing me exposed the both of us. 

"Well, that's one way to tell them."(Jin)
"You knew?"(NJ)
"Only for about three minutes"(Jin)
"Awe finally"(hobi)
"Look at that, jimin finally asked her out."(yoongi)

"Jimin, you suck." Was all I could think to myself.

Bye bye💓💓

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