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Y/n pov

Suddenly, I heard the door open. Oh crap.

"Y/n, jeez you're finally home." It was jimin.  Kai still doesn't know about the whole BTS thing...

"You're...arnt you Park Jimin? From BTS?" Kai asked loudly and confused. He's gonna wake everyone up! "Y/n, is this your friend?" Jimin asked clearly bothered by his question.  "...yeah this is Kai."

"I..I thought you said you're brother would be asleep? This is BTS?" Kai asked almosed at a loss of words. "Taehyung is upstairs." I said before thinking. "Kim Taehyung..THE V of BTS? Why didn't you tell me?" "Hey, she didn't need to. Back off."Jimin said protectively. This is going to be chaos.  "I-I'm sorry I should have told you, I just don't know the rules of people knowing where they live and I don't want to make them mad." I said at the verge of tears. 

What's going to happen? Did I just mess everything up? So many thoughts whet through my head. "Y/n, you can't just just tell random strangers where we live?!  There's crazy fans out there, it's not safe!" Jimin said almosed yelling. "I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking, w-we were having fun.." I said holding the tears. "Y/n he's a stranger! You can't tell strangers things like this!" He said, not yelling but he was definitely angry. "I'm not a stranger, we're friends." Kai jumped in, trying to defend me. That got Jimin mad, more than before. "YOU'RE A STRANGER TO ME AND EVERYONE ELSE! WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!" Jimin yelled.  "I'M HERE FOR Y/N, I DONT EVEN LIKE YOU MUSIC I COULDN'T CARE LESS WHERE YOU ARE?!"

They were yelling and arguing until the boys woke up.  They all ran downstairs and stopped the screaming. "What the hell is going on?" Namjoon asked while standing in-between the two.

I didn't realize I was crying until then.  Tae came over to where I was standing and hugged me. "Y/n, what happened?" He asked still hugging me.  Jimin was the first to speak up. "y/n invited her stranger boyfriend to our house, and I don't like him." He said while glaring at Kai. " What the hell did I do?" Kai asked offended, but didn't say anything about the boyfriend part. "stop...p-please stop" I said quietly.  Jimin noticed and walked over, but Tae was still hugging me which hid my face. 

Kai and Jimin were still mad and everyone was arguing.  I didn't listen to what they were arguing about, but Tae let go of me to talk with everyone.
I hid my face while listening to everything being said.

"Jimin, calm down.  He's y/n's friend, we can trust him." "Do we have to move away now?" "Why are you making it such a big deal?" "What's gonna happen now?"

"I'm just going to go home.  Y/n, text me if you need anything." That's when they all looked at me.  I wiped my tears and tried looking tough, but they could all tell I cried.  Kai left, and we all went inside.  Jin walked over to me and gave me a blanket.

"Y/n, don't feel bad, it's not as bad as they're making it sound." He tried reassuring me while the rest talked about everything.  "It's my fault if they want to move now though...I'm sorry." I said and he hugged me. 

"Ok, everyone go back to bed.  It's one in the morning, we'll talk about this is the morning." Namjoon ordered and everyone went upstairs.  I went into my room cried a bit longer,and put my pajamas and fell asleep.

The next day

I woke up and went downstairs, only Jimin was awake.  I knew it was going to be weird and awkward, but he already saw me.

"Goodmorning" he said while making coffee for him and everyone but Taehyung. "goodmorning...I'm really sorry about last night." I stood next to him. "So you guys are dating?" He said not looking to me. "What? What are you talking about?" I said before hobi and kookie came downstairs with us. 

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