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stream live sick girls:) my personal favorite song of their new album is pretty savage, please check it out if you havnt already🖤💗

Y/n pov

After a while, we decided to just put a movie on and hang out. "Let's watch something scary." I suggested. "I thought you hated scary movies?" Yoongi remembered. "Yea but you guys like them. I'm pretty tired anyways, so I'll just fall asleep soon."

"Are you sure? We can just watch something else." Jimin reassured. I nodded yes smiling. "I forgot to brush my teeth, I'll be right back." And I left.

I forgot to ask then about the girls coming over, I guess I should do that soon.

Jimin pov

Y/n just left the room, so the rest of us were choosing a movie. "Seems like jungkook is stealing your cuddle buddy." Jin teased. "It's ok, I know kookie doesn't see y/n In any romantic way. Besides, he doesn't have the guts to sleep next to a girl he likes."

Jungkook giggled at what I said. "Are you saying you see her romantically?" I didn't know what to say to that...

Y/n walked into the room, saving me from a slightly embarrassing conversation.

Jungkook opened his arms for y/n to go in, she laughed cutely and laid next to him. I was trying my best to not get jealous or annoyed, I kept telling myself they're just friends.

Y/n pov

I was sitting with jungkook happily because we were making jokes and messing around before we played the movie, but I couldn't stop thinking of jimin.

"Let's put the movie on now." Jin said and we all got quiet. 

Time skip
Middle of the movie

I looked over at Jimin a few times, not catching myself staring.  It was like a growing habit, not that I minded, if anything it was comforting. 

I guess I was looking at him too long, because I saw him stare back.  We made eye contact for a solid 30 seconds before he winked at me and looked back at the TV. 

I saw him smirk while watching the movie, and felt my face get red.  Thank God it's dark in here.

I watched a bit more of the movie, though I wasn't really paying attention.  I felt myself slowly drift to sleep.

The next morning

I woke up in my bed, and remembered what happened last night.  "How'd I get here?" I said to myself, though this seemed like a reoccurring situation.

I heard a knock on my door, and allowed them in. "good morning, wanna go see a movie with me today?"

It was jimin. He still had bed hair and a morning voice. Cute

"Yeah, let me get ready." I responded. He gave a cute smile before leaving the room.

"Ok...wtf am I gonna wear." I looked into my closet. I couldn't come up with an outfit so I showered to wake up all the way.

While in the shower, I remembered the ring I bought.  It was a gift to jimin, because his birthday is next week. 

Once I got out of the shower, I went back to looking for what to wear. "Ok, cute, but comfy and warm. Well...I could always wear something not warm. I mean it'd be a shame if I was too cold to sit by myself...." I laughed at myself and kept looking.

I was unsure with what I was wearing, so I went looking for Jin, but bumped into jimin

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I was unsure with what I was wearing, so I went looking for Jin, but bumped into jimin. "Wow, y/n you look great. We're just going to the movies though, why are you all dressed up?

Well, now I know I should've worn something else. "Sorry, I was looking for jin.  I'll change." I said looking down at what I thought was a nice outfit.

I was going to turn around back to my room, when jimin took my hand and pulled me into a hug.  "No, you look pretty. Don't change I'll be downstairs when you want to go." He said, my head in his chest. He let go of me and walked downstairs.

I was surprised by his sodden act, but screaming inside my head.  I went back to my room to get some shoes, but looked at myself in the mirror before going.

"Stop being dumb, y/n.  Why would he want someone like you? You're not even pretty, just like that girl said at the bar." After that sudden wave of reality hit, I walked downstairs where he was.

"You changed?" I asked him. "Yeah, I felt like this is more appropriate compared to how good you look." I blushed  and laughed lightly. He was now wearing a nice sweater and denim jeans. 

"Ok, let's go." He said getting his keys and grabbing my hand. 

"So what are we seeing?" I asked to make the car ride less awkward.  "I was thinking an action.  You like those, right?" He was right, those are my favorite.

Once we got to the movie theater, he put a black mask and hat on. "You should wear one too, I'm sorry we can't go out normally." He said looking into my eyes. "It's ok, let's go!" I said smiling, trying to let him know it doesn't upset me. Although I do kind of wish we could.

I put the mask on, but he said it might look weird if we both had them on.  We went inside and got everything, but fought about who would pay. "I asked you to come, why would you pay?" He argued. "Because I'm the one living in your house, I should." I argued back. 

"Look, a dinosaur!" Jimin turned his head by instinct of me pointing out the window, and I swiped my card. 

"Wow. That was kind of embarrassing." He said I could see his ears turn pink.  I laughed at his cute reaction and how easy it was. "That was easier than I expected, jiminie. Cute." I said the last part quietly.

"What was that?" He said, I could almosed see the smirk on his eyes. "That was easier than I thought?" I repeated while we walked down the Cinema halls. "Ah sure, sure." He said intertwining his fingers with mine.

We got into the dark room and sat at our seats.  Jimin finally took his mask and hat off so I could see him.  "Watch the movie, not me. Although we're very aware what you'd rather look at." He joked. I hit him lightly and he giggled.

After the movie

"That was alot easier than I expected it to be." Jimin said as we got out of our seats.  "What where you expecting it to be?" I said laughing at him. "No, not the movie.  I successfully help your hand the whole movie." I noticed it then when he said it. I blushed and let go of his hand finally.

I heard him giggle, but he stopped walking. I looked back at him, still blushing and he just stared at me for a minute.


Why am I so nervouse to post this one lol
Bye bye💓💓

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