Chapter 9

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The tavern owner was overjoyed to deplete his stocks for such a good cause, the fact that he was getting paid added to his merriment. He sent messages to the village folk to support the need of the soldiers, and soon more soldiers from the camp were summoned to help carry the provisions.

Gideon, accompanied by Purah and the runner went to the stables. There they questioned the hostler. He was quite willing to show them the way the Midianite group had taken but admitted he was too annoyed to have noticed much more than the general direction. The way he indicated, was the main road to the border and the Jordan river. This puzzled Gideon. The kings and their convoy would have probably come from that direction, why would they return to the area where they were being hunted?
Gideon thanked the hostler and started walking back to the camp. He felt someone tugging at his tunic. Stopping, he looked to see who it was that seeked his attention. A young boy stood at his side.
"And who might you be?"

Before the boy could answer, the runner, recognising the boy, exclaimed.
"I know him. He's the stable-hand!"
The boy nodded his head and then blurted out.
"And you're the drunk!"
Gideon looked slyly at Purah and both men were hard pressed to suppress their smiles.

Gideon patted the boy's head and said.
"What can we do for you? Do you want to join my brave warriors?" The boy smiled but shook his head. He grabbed Gideon's hand and started to pull him down the road. The three men looked at each other, but each, in turn shrugged his shoulders, not comprehending the boys intensions. The stable-hand finding the pace too slow for his liking, let go Gideon's hand and jogged ahead. The men quickened their pace in an effort to keep up. The boy jogged the best part of 3 kilometres before he stopped. He turned around and waited for his following to catch up. Gideon a little out of breath, asked.
"And what was that all about?"

The boy said nothing but lifted his arm and pointed to some bushes and shrubs that were starting to loose their leaves. The runner immediately took a closer look. He pulled some of the dying bushes to the side and looked through the gap he had made.
"Come lord, have a look at this!"
Gideon and Purah stepped closer. The boy also followed.

"What are we looking at? Gideon inquired.

"This is actually a road. Admittedly not a big road, more like a wagon path, and not frequently used. But what is really interesting is the fact that someone tried to cover up the turn-off to this roadway, hoping I suppose to conceal the entrance from someone following. If it wasn't for the boy we would never have noticed it."

All three men turned to the stable-hand and asked 3 different questions all at the same time. Gideon, putting up his hand said.
"Son, all three questions have merit. So take your time and answer each one carefully and truthfully. Firstly, did the men, who didn't pay you, take this road and was it them that tried to cover it up?"

"Yes it was them."

"Secondly, how can you be sure, did you see them?"

"I could see my father was angry but he did nothing. I thought if I followed them and they made camp nearby, I could steal something as payment for feeding their horses. When they turned off the road, I got scared and I ran home."

"Lastly, young man, do you know where this track goes to?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes sir. I have gone with my father to that city, to deliver horses, many times."

"Thank you for speaking so plainly. Come we must take you home."
Turning to the runner and Purah, Gideon said.
"While I take the boy home, go and tell the men to pack up and start them moving. We will go as far, on this wagon track, as light allows. Purah go and pack my things and we will meet on the road."

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