Chapter 12

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On the way to Succoth, they met a young man who lived in that city. Gideon ordered him to travel with them and be guarded at night as he feared the young man might run ahead and warn the officials of Succoth of their approach. He also questioned the young man about the officials, demanding to know how many there were, and also their names.

When they reached Succoth, Gideon sent word to the city officials that they had returned and needed provisions for the army. He stated that seeing that he held the kings Zebah and Zalmunna captive he could see no reason or excuse why his request should be denied. Gideon did not need food at this stage but he knew the Succoth officials would not supply his army with food even if he did need it. This was the excuse Gideon desired to carry out his plans. The officials sent back a message saying that Gideon was chancing his luck and probably didn't have the kings in his pocession. Gideon replied, saying they should come out and see for themselves. The officials answered that they would not fall for Gideon's ruse and that he could dress up any two of his men to look like kings and call them Zebah and Zalmunna.

Gideon's plans to entice the officials out of the city had failed. His patience wore thin. He went to the young man they had met on the way.
"To earn your freedom I have one last task that I want you to perform. I am sending 100 of my men with you into the city. You are to guide them to each of the official's houses. Once my men have all seventy seven officials in their care, you are free to go."

Gideon arranged with his men to bring the city officials to a grove of thorn trees that grew outside the city wall. He and the rest of the men would wait for them there. When the very disgruntled officials arrived, being pushed and manhandled by the soldiers, Gideon addressed them.
"Forgive my men for the rough handling you have received. If you had come out when I asked you to, it could have been avoided. When we spoke to you last, you were rather unfriendly and hauty in you attitude towards us. If I remember correctly, when we left I made you a promise, and I always keep my promises. So.....we have prepared a little performance for you. I must say you are a little over-dressed for the occasion, so please allow my men to relieve you of your outer garments. That's better. Oh yes, you will all be tied to one of these thorn trees.! gentleman! You all look so bewildered! Let me explain how this ceremony will proceed. My men will be divided into three groups of about one hundred each. We have broken off three branches from the thorn trees. The men will line up and taking the branch will drag it across your backs. Each man will do this only once. At the end of the ceremony, you will have 100 lashes adorning your backs. Just a small reminder to treat your fellow men with kindness, especially if they are hungry."

The officials who had stood dumbfounded up to now, suddenly realised all this sweet talk was actually a prelude to some very painful punishment that was about to be dished out, and began to shout and resist the hold the soldiers had on them.

Once the flogging started, blood started to run freely down the backs of the half-disrobed officials. Dogs that were in the vicinity, congregated around the bleeding, groaning men, eagerly licking the blood as it dripped onto the ground. More came as the smell of blood and urine wafted through the air, for some of the older officials couldn't control their bodily functions as the pain racked their bodies. By the time the last of the soldiers had used the thorny branches, most of the officials had collapsed, only being held up by the ropes that bound them to the trees. Not only did the blood flow from their backs but as they sank down the thorny trunks of the trees, the skin of their stomachs became scratched and punctured as well.

Gideon had lost all his flippant attitude. His face a mixture of morbid satisfaction and disgust. He was not finished. Seeing the elders of the city suffer goaded him to further sadistic action. He ordered his men to cut the 77 leaders free of the thorn trees and to herd them together, to stand in front of him.
Some of the older officials clung to the younger ones for support. No sweet talk this time. He spat the words out.
"You miserable bunch, look at you now. How the mighty have fallen. Where are your sarcastic remarks now. You degraded me in front of my men, now the tables are turned. Look, see how your own people laugh at your miserable state. You called me a liar when I told you I had captured Zebah and Zalmunna. Well now you will not only see that I spoke truly, but you will witness what happens to people who invade our land and kill my brothers. Bring the Midian kings. Stand them close to our city friends that their blood will be proof of who they are as it splatters on their naked bodies."

Gideon called Jether indicating that he should stand next to him.
"Where is your sword?"
Jether pointed to a small lightweight ceremonial sword that his mother had given him, hanging at his side. Gideon shook his head.
"That is not a sword worthy of a soldier, my son. We are not here to play games."
Looking up, Gideon shouted.
"Someone! Anyone! Bring this young man a proper sword."
A few soldiers rushed forward, but it was one of the captains who reached Jether first. He drew his sword and turning it so that the hilt faced Jether, he said.
"It will be my honour if you will accept my sword and use it for our cause, to the honour of Israel and our God."
Gideon smiled and nodded his appreciation. His joy, however, was short lived. As his son took the sword the blade point fell to the ground. Jether wasn't used to a heavy sword such as this. He struggled to lift the sword.

Earlier, the two Midian kings who were pale and downcast when they realised their fate, now couldn't help smiling and sniggering at the scene which played out before them.

Gideon said in a loud voice.
"Go my son, and let the heads of Zebah and Zalmunna roll. With this act the tyranny of Midian over Israel will come to an end. Your deed will be remembered for ages to come."
Gideon gave Jether a push forward and stepped back. Jether slowly moved forward, he struggled to keep the heavy sword aloft. He stood in front of Zebah and Zalmunna, tears rolling down his cheeks. Not tears of fear but of frustration. He desperately wanted to please his father but how was he to cut off the heads of these tall men when he could hardly lift the sword above his waist.

The Midian kings enjoyed the spectacle. They laughed loudly. Zebah said to Zalmunna.
"Our spirits will not depart from our bodies today. We are quite safe. I am feeling thirsty...untie us so we can go and have a drink while we wait for this child to grow up!"

The captain, who had offered his sword went over to Gideon and whispered in his ear. Gideon nodded. He walked to his son and put his arm around his shoulders. He spoke softly.
"I am proud of you my son. I saw you were not afraid to carry out my orders. You are in training and this was just one lesson. There will be more opportunities in the future to prove yourself. When you get stronger I will get you your own battle sword."

The two kings continued to scoff at Gideon.
"Look, daddy has come to console his baby. Next time, send a man to do a man's job."
Gideon's anger welled up inside him. He could feel the redness creeping up his neck. He had, had enough. Gently prying the sword from Jether's hand, he lifted it high and spinning round in a circle, brought it level with the kings necks. His momentum carried the blade completely through the neck of the first king and halfway through the neck of the second king. Unperturbed, Gideon freed the blade and spun his body in the opposite direction sending the blade into the second king's neck to complete the severing action. The first king's body had crumbled almost instantly when his head left his shoulders. The second king's body stood erect, as if waiting for the head to command it's movement. The head, however, went rolling off to one side. Jether ran forward and pushed the headless body, which fell over like a tree which had just been axed.
He then turned to his father and putting his arms around him, hugged him tightly. The men sent up a loud cheer. The war was officially over.

When the celebrating died down, Gideon raised his hand for silence.
"My trustworthy victorious brothers, thank you for your perseverance. Go home and rejoice with your families. You can enjoy a well earned rest.
Before you go, I have one more task for you.
You know now where these officials live. Go to their homes and take everyting of value. What you do not want, give to the beggers on the street. Then torch their houses. When we let them go, they will have nowhere to go. They will feel what it is like to have nothing, no food, no shelter and the only relief for their bloodied backs will be when the dogs lick their wounds! Farewell."

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