Chapter 21

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Abimilek divided his troops into three divisions. One division he stationed at the city gates. The farmers and field labourers had already gone out to work in the fields. The second and third divisions he sent into the fields, with the orders to massacre every living soul. Those that tried to run back to the city, were killed at the gates by the first division.

The screams, like those that uttered them, died down. Most of the 2nd and 3rd divisions slowly made their way back to the gates. Their work done. The blood on their tunics and swords did not belong to them. Abimilek looked out over the fields and listened. The last moan faded away and his men returned. He continued to stand, not moving, as if waiting for something. His men leaning on their spears and swords, said nothing, secretly thankful for this short interlude. Then, as if summoned by some unheard clarion call, the carnivorous beasts and fowls of the air slowly descended on the corn fields. When the first screech of the vultures and squawk of the crows, filled the air, only then, did Abimilek move. He turned around with a sinister smile on his face and spoke to his troops.

"Well done my faithful ones. Now go and repeat your mission of death. This time not in the corn fields but in the town. The 2nd and 3rd divisions will march to the furthest side of the city. You will turn around, draw your swords, and making your way back here to the gates, you will kill every inhabitant that you come across. Search the houses. No-one is to be spared. If the Shechemites flee before you, the 1st division will cut them down here at the gates. No-one is to pass through these gates alive. When the sun sets tonight, Shechem will cease to exist. Tomorrow you will carry away the spoils of war. You will drive all the livestock back to Arumah. You will exchange the livestock for bags of salt. Furthermore, you will borrow carts and bring the salt back to Shechem and scatter it everywhere. Nothing will grow here again. Throw the salt in the wells. No person or animal will be able to drink water from this place again. You have your instructions. Go now, your king has spoken.

Abimilek's men did as they were instructed. It took them the whole day to slay all the inhabitants. That night as his men sat around fires, fuelled by furniture they had pulled from nearby houses and eating food that only hours before had been prepared by the women of the city, while they were still alive, Abimilek received some disturbing news.

About 1000 men and women, sought refuge in the grounds of the temple of El-Berith. Abimilek's men chased them, so they retreated into a tower that stood on the property. They locked themselves inside. This was reported to Abimilek. He asked his men;

"Break down the door!"

They answered,

"We tried. The door of hard wood is very thick. It is the place where the priests keep all the temple valuables. So, they built it extremely strong to protect their riches. When we tried to break the door down, the people inside laughed at us. "

Abimilek rubbed his chin. He answered.

"Leave this problem with me. I will consult my captains tonight. Meet me here tomorrow morning and I will give you my solution."

The next morning, the men found Abimilek and the whole 2nd division ready to ride. He instructed them to bring carts and follow him. They were going to a place called Mount Zalmon. When they arrived, Abimilek dismounted and searched among the bushes. When he found what he was looking for, he called his men and explained.

"Cut branches from this thorn bush and load it into the wagons. It must be this particular thorn other. Cut only the dry branches, not the green ones."

To answer the questioning looks on the faces of his men, he continued.

"This tree, that grows abundantly here on Mount Zalmon, contains a resin, even the dry wood. The resin makes this wood highly flammable. It burns at a higher temperature than normal. If we pile these branches up against the tower door and set them alight, in a short time the door will also start to burn. Even hard wood cannot withstand fire. In fact, it will work in our favour. The hardwood door will generate much heat and will cook those that shelter inside. Unfortunately, this thorn wood burns quickly, so fill the carts so that we are assured of enough to complete this task."

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