Chapter 3

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On the way home, Cia took to walking some distance in front of Gideon and Trumah, giving them time to talk. Trumah started the ball rolling.
"Where were you? Why did you take so long?"
"I am sorry. I had a secret meeting with some of the city leaders. Walking here with you and Cia was a perfect cover. If I was walking alone the Midianite spies would become suspicious. So seeing I was here with you, I quickly sent messages and we had an impromptu prayer meeting and discussed a few things. I'm sending communiques out to all the clans and tribes. I've requested as many men as possible to gather at the well of Harod, near the Jezreel valley. As it happens the Jezreel valley is where the Midianites are amassing their army, higher up at the foot of the hill of Moreh. They also want to bring this matter to a head. They want to drive us out or annihilate us and we want to drive them out of our country and preferably wipe them all out. We will see what sort of force we can muster to overcome the Midianites and Amalektites."

"Do you think you can defeat them? I am afraid the odds are stacked against you.". Trumah commented in a sad voice.

"I think the Israelite people have had enough. We have been dominated and downtrodden for 7 years now. We have been fiercely oppressed but that has led to a strong resolve. We have been driven into a corner. The people know we will die if we do not fight. Our blood will fertilise the ground and the Midianites will reap the harvest. Many will die if we do fight but at least we will be fighting for our land, our families, our future. Also we have a secret advantage!"

"What's that? Trumah inquired. Expecting the answer to be some tactical military advantage or some sort of weapon.

"Yahweh promised us that He would give us this land. God doesn't lie, He won't go back on His word."

"But why has your God allowed the Midianites to multiply in the land and become so strong?"

"Our disobedience!"

"I don't understand."

"Yahweh promised us this land on the condition that we serve and worship Him, and Him only! But we have strayed from His commandments. We have worshipped idols and the gods of our enemies."

"If that is the case, why are you so hopeful that you will be able to drive the Midianites out?"

"A prophet of the Lord came and reminded us of what Yahweh has done for us and convinced us of our wickedness. We have repented. The people cried to Yahweh and He has heard their plea. We have broken down the alters used to sacrifice to Baal. We have hacked down the baal idols and burnt down the asherah poles. The Israelites have returned to the One, True, Holy Living God. That is why I am convinced that the time for Yahweh to honour His promise is now."

The three arrived at Gideon's home. Before they entered, Gideon took hold of Trumah's arm.
"When are you leaving?"

"Soon. Andrica is much better and doesn't need the help of the servants anymore, so they can return to their duties, and therefore I'm not needed in the kitchen anymore. Tonight will be the last time I prepare the evening meal. Why do you ask?"

"I am concerned for your safety. The next few weeks are going to be dangerous for travelling. I want you home, safe and sound before the battle, which is inevitable, starts. Come to my room tonight so that I can bid you farewell and thank you for all you have done for my household. Do not come too early, I have much to do in preparation for the coming battle."

Trumah nodded and then proceeded, with Cia's help, to carry the supplies they had bought, to the kitchen. When they had finished packing everything away, Trumah said to Cia.

"After the evening meal, come to my room. I must take measurements, cut and pin the material for your tunics. I will sew them later tonight or tomorrow before I leave."

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