Chapter 10

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When Gideon reached the camp outside the wall, some of the men informed him that the Midianites had indeed passed by the city and the officials had spoken the truth when they said that the fleeing soldiers weren't allowed inside the city walls. Speaking to the locals, the men learnt that the enemy were on their way to a secret location, but would stop at Peniel for supplies. Gideon broke camp and headed with his men to the city of Peniel. Hopefully he could secure much needed provisions for his army there, and find out where the Midian kings were headed.

When Gideon arrived at Peniel, the city treated him even worse than Succoth, not even allowing him entry into the city. There was a tall tower at the entrance to the city. It was built as a lookout tower when the city walls were built. The city fathers now stood on the tower, shouting to Gideon, taunting him as the officials of Succoth had done. Gideon threatened to break into the city but the elders laughed at him.
"This tower is our pride and joy, it warns us of attacks on the city and our archers stand on theses walls picking off the attackers before they even come close to the gates. If you attack us now, you will loose so many men, you will not have enough to pursue the kings of Midian. That's if you ever find them!
Go home, before your men starve to death."

Even though Gideon knew there were elements of truth in what they said, his anger and frustration burned within him. He answered them.
"When I return in triumph, I will tear down this tower and kill all who now stand upon it!"

That night Gideon went alone in his tent and threw himself on his bedroll. He cried to the Lord.
"Forgive me Lord. I promised these men a victory that was not mine to give. I have brought them to the brink of starvation. I did not consult you to see if it was your will to follow the Midian kings but I beseech you, if you give the Midianites into our hands, we will give You all the glory. Oh mighty Lord, let not the cities of Succoth and Peniel go unpunished for taunting the men of Israel, your chosen people, and refusing us bread. Please Almighty Yahweh do not forsake us. Give us a sign that we may know you have heard our prayers. Let not your chosen soldiers die of starvation."

Before Gideon had finished his supplication a loud noise erupted in the camp. Men were running around and shouting and bleating sounds were everywhere. Gideon emerged from his tent, he shouted.
"What's going on?"

The men nearest him replied.
"Scores of sheep are running through the camp. We are trying to find the shepherds. There must be more than a hundred of the critters."

Gideon was first amazed and stood dumbfounded. Then slowly a smile crossed his face. He shouted.
"Catch them, catch all of them. Tie them up and make firepits. Start the fires. Slaughter the sheep. Cook and eat. Eat as much as you are able."

Those close to Gideon, heard him. They did as they were instructed but shouted back.
"Who do they belong to?"

"To us! They have been given to us as a sign that Yahweh has not deserted us. He has provided so that we will not starve. These sheep are from the Great Shepherd."

When the men realised what was happening, they rejoiced greatly. Tonight they would sleep well with full bellies. While they were eating, some of the men who had been posted as sentries, rushed into the camp shouting and waving their water bottles over their heads. They shouted to the men in the camp.
"Bring your water bottles, bring anything that can carry water. Come and see! Another miracle has occurred!"

Gideon jumped up and tried to calm the men. He asked,
"What are you going on about? What has happened?"

The men answered.
"When we arrived at this spot we crossed a river bed. It was dry. We were so disappointed. We were thirsty. Then you brought us some meat, lots of meat, we were thankful but we had nothing to wash it down. We have no wine, not even water! While we kept watch, we heard a strange sound. Like running water, but we knew the stream was dry. We followed the sound. When we came to the stream we found it flowing strongly, strange, as there has been no rain anywhere nearby. We were suspicious and even though we were thirsty, we tasted the water placing only small amounts on our tongues. To our surprise, the water is the sweetest we have ever tasted. We drank our fill. Filed our water bottles and raced here to the camp to tell you all of the good news. It truly is a miracle!"

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