Chapter 11

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Gideon sat with his men half-way up the hill, looking down at the Midianite force below them. The sun was setting, casting a shadow over the hillside where his army was waiting. The enemy would not see them. The valley was brightly lit by the last rays of the sun. There were about 15000 soldiers, but Gideon wasn't worried. The Lord had shown him what He was going to do. Gideon could easily see the two tents of the Midian kings. Surrounding each were the tents of the king's bodyguards. About 100 men for each king. This should have been a problem for the Israelites but their God had already made His plans.

Gideon strategised with his captains. The men, as they had done at the valley of Jezreel, would spread out at the bottom of the hill and blowing horns and shouting, would create the effect of a large force attacking the Midianites. When the soldiers of Midian started to fight each other, for this is what Yahweh would make them do, Gideon's men would race for the forest on the left side of the camp. The Midian kings hearing the sound of battle would sneak away with only their body guards in attendance, trying to escape the fighting. Gideon had guessed where the kings would go. There was a thick forest on the one side of the valley. Gideon was sure the body guards would lead their kings to this area. His men were ready, hiding in the forest. Their instructions were to capture, not kill the men protecting the kings. They would bind them them with rope. The kings, once captured would also be bound and brought to Gideon. The kings had riding camels when they were captured. Gideon walked over to the camels. They would make useful pack animals, to carry spoils of war, so he would keep them. He noticed the camels necks were adorned with gold chains and precious stones. He removed the chains and placed them in his portmanteau. He assigned 4 men to guard the kings with drawn swords held at their necks.

Addressing the bodyguards Gideon announced.
"Men, true to the kings of Midian, I do not plan to harm you. If however you try to escape or try to free your kings, my men, with no command from me, will slice off the heads of your beloved kings. So beware, their fate is in your hands. We march now to the city of Peniel. I will address you again once we arrive there.

The 500 men travelled through the night without incident. Everyone was tired but to stop and rest in the dark would invite trouble. When the sun arose the next morning, Gideon called a halt and while some of his men prepared food, others slept or kept watch over the prisoners. After all had eaten and rested they moved on again. This was repeated again in the late afternoon. They would march through the night again.

Early next morning, they made camp within sight of Peniel. Gideon first spoke secretly to his captains, laying out his plans, then he addressed the Midianites.
"Men of Midian! I have brought you to this city because I know how they treated you. They did not allow you in, they gave you no food. They mocked you from their beloved tower. The tower which gives them so much confidence that they fear no-one."
There was a lot of nodding heads and shaking of fists. Gideon was testing the waters. So far so good.
He continued.
"If you want your freedom, which I am sure you do, then all I ask is that you storm the tower and take revenge for the way you were treated. When you break through the tower walls, you are free to go. If I was in your position I would enter the city and take some spoils of war."

"Will our weapons be returned?"

"They will."

"How will we break down the gates?"

"Ah! A good question. My men will construct a battering ram for you to use but it will not be used on the gates."

"Surely you don't expect us to use it against the walls, they are too thick. Why not on the gates?"

"Such good questions! Let me explain. Firstly, don't underestimate their archers. They will be on two levels in the tower and on the roof. You will be peppered with arrows while you batter the gates. If and when you break through the gates, archers will be waiting for you on the other side. The archers in the tower, by moving to the other side will also still be able to find their mark.

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