Chapter 13

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As Gideon set out to return home, with all those that lived in Orphrah, a runner arrived with a message for him. He took the script, and standing to one side, read the content thereof. His face showed mixed emotions. He studied the letter for some time before reaching a decision. Walking back to his group, he summoned a captain who was with them, Purah, his servant and Jether, his son.
"I have received a letter notifying me of some important business I must take care of immediately.
The captain here will escort this group back to Orphrah. Jether, please give your mother my apologies for not bringing you home myself. I will see you all shortly. Purah, you will accompany me."

Gideon and Purah took leave of the group and set off in a different direction. Purah was curious as to their destination and the reason behind the journey, but said nothing. When they had been travelling for some time, Gideon, as if in answer to Purah's thoughts, said.
"We're going to see my son, my youngest son. He has just been born."

As they entered Shechem, Gideon's feelings fought within him. On the one hand, he was excited. On the other, he was fearful of the family's reaction. Drumah wasn't his wife and he had no intention of marrying her. She was his his therapist, his confidant, the most understanding person he knew, but.....she was a Canaanite. His family would not approve of anyone except an Israelite bride. Drumah was often called to help out but the family treated her like a servant and not like the intellectual person she was. In either case Gideon had decided long ago that the number of wives he had amassed was enough.

Drumah, in her own way, felt much the same. She had always thought of having a child of her own, but the thought of marriage never crossed her mind. Fending for herself, without a mother for most of her life, in a man's world, her only companions her father and brothers, had taught her not only to be physically strong, but strong willed as well. As she grew older she ruled the roost and didn't take any nonsense from the male family members. In general, she had never been attracted to anyone, in Shechem anyway. She actually wasn't sure why she felt the way she did about Gideon. He wasn't the most self-assured man around. But his vulnerability somehow attracted her. This situation made her quite at ease about the pregnancy and now the birth of her son. She suffered a bit from first child jitters, but her young friend, Cia had helped her through that period. Now she didn't care what people said or felt. She wasn't married and the father was an Israelite! She would smile as she dared people to confront her on the subject. No-one ever did!

When Gideon and Purah neared the house, Drumah came out to greet him. Apparently news of his arrival, travelled faster than his horse. Cia also came prancing out to greet them. Gideon dismounted and approached Drumah. They stopped about a metre apart from one another. Both greeting each other rather formally. Cia couldn't handle this awkward state of affairs, and sceeched out loud.
"Oh for the love of all the angels in Heaven! Greet each other properly. Hug, kiss, do something, don't just stand there!"

"What will people say!" Muttered Gideon.

"I can't take this!" Cia moaned, holding her head and continued.
"You have just had a baby together, It's a bit late to worry about what people will say. Please embrace or I'll go mad!"

Gideon and Trumah looked sheepishly, first at Cia, then back at each other. They burst out laughing and closing the distance between them, kissed and hugged each other.

Only Purah heard Cia mumble, "That's better!"

"Where's my son?" Gideon exclaimed, after breaking the embrace.

"He's sleeping but let's go see if all this noise has woken him up. Perhaps he will burst out crying when he sees his father for the first time."
Gideon smiled and made as if to box Trumah. Everyone filed inside. After much cooing and baby talk Gideon greeted Trumah's father and brother's who had arrived home. Luckily, everyone wanted to hear war stories. Gideon and Purah took it in turns relating all that had happened during the last few months. This took the pressure off Gideon having to explain too much about how Trumah got pregnant. In fact, at the end of the day, everybody was congratulating him and the Israelite victory and the ruthless way in which he dealt with the enemy.

It was late before everyone retired for the evening. After all the story telling, the men demanded something to eat. Drumah and Cia were kept busy. The baby also demanded his share of the attention. Gideon and Drumah were finally alone. Drumah started the conversation.
"You certainly were the man of the moment today!"

"Yes, I felt like someone of worth, like a king!"

"Don't get too opinionated, your head won't fit through the door! Let's forget about the war for a moment. Are you disappointed that our indiscretion has burdened you with a child, another responsibility for your shoulders?"

"No, no! Not at all. You know I hold you in high esteem. I cannot marry you, but you are more special to me than most of my wives. I am proud of my child, the son, you have given me."

"If you want to be part of his life, I'll appreciate that, but know one thing, I intend to keep and raise him on my own, even if you want nothing to do with him."

"What are you talking about? Of course I want to be part of his life. He is the gift God has given me for defeating the Midianites and Amalektites. You must pack your belongings and make ready the child, we will all leave for Orphrah as soon as possible."

"I'm sorry but I can't do that."

"What do you mean, you can't do that? I insist!"

"You are the father of my child....but not my husband. You will not tell me what to do!"

"But what's the problem, why will you not come with me?"

"I am needed here. I must look after my father and brothers. Your family might accept my child, for he is yours also, but they will never accept me, I will always be just your whore!"

"Why did you even send for me if you are not prepared to come with me?"

"I thought you would like to see your son and also he needs a name. That privilege is yours, have you a name in mind?"

Gideon stood up and paced up and down the kitchen, where they were sitting. He warmed his hands over the stove. The embers from the fire still hot from cooking the evening meal. His furrowed brow evidence of the thoughts that crossed his mind. He turned at last and faced the mother of his child.

"Even though you refuse to come with me, you cannot dampen my spirits, I revel in the glory of my victory."

"I thought your God gave you the victory?"

"Yes, yes, of know what I mean! It's the way the people regard me. They treat me as someone special, they respect me."

"What has that got to do with the name of our son?"

"His name shall be Abimilek. My father is king!"

Trumah rolled her eyes at Gideon's presumptuous attitude, but she liked the name irrespective of the meaning.
"It is settled then, Abimilek will be his name, but he stays with me and he will be brought up as a son of Shechem. One last request, the war is over. There is no need for Cia to stay here any longer. I think she has enjoyed her stay here, she has been a big help especially with the baby, but I can sense she misses he own people. It is time for her to return. Please escort her back with you."

Trumah arose and kissed Gideon on the cheek.
"If you depart tomorrow, at least stay for breakfast, it will give Cia a chance to pack, and also I must arrange a horse for her. Goodnight!"

The following day, around mid morning, Gideon, Purah and Cia departed. Gideon promised to visit as much as he could. He wanted to see his son advance into manhood.

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