Book 2

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Chapter 15

Abimilek looked up at the city gates, now standing open, as traders, farmers and townsfolk passed to and fro. His speech was fixed in his mind. He had rehearsed it many times. He made his way to his mother's family home. He would start there.

Although this was not a Israelite city, his father had come here many times to sort out problems, mainly on the request of his mother. The city fathers tolerated Jerub-Baal (Gideon), in fact some respected him, not only for his good advice but for his reputation of being victorious against the Midianites.

Abimilek had grown up in Shechem. He surmised that the visits his father made to the city was partly to see how his son was faring and to see his mother. From the reports he gleaned from his uncles, they loved each other very much. When he was younger, he wondered why they never married. As he grew older, the rift between the Canaanites and the Israelites, became more apparent and he realised the union would never have worked. In fact it was the difference between the two people groups that had brought him here today.

As he grew older, his father visited less and less. Abimilek started to butt heads with his mother and eventually decided to move out of the city and live in one of the satellite villages that had sprung up around the city walls. He enjoyed his independence. It gave him time to think....and plan. He wanted to be someone and make something of his life.

Jerub-Baal had passed away. There was now growing speculation about the future of the city. Some said that the sons of Jerub-Baal might decide to take over the city, one of them becoming ruler. Basing his argument on this rumour, he decided to make his play. He arrived at the house. He greeted his aging mother, who spent most of her time in her room, except for the odd occasion when she felt strong enough to help in the kitchen. He waited patiently until all his uncles had returned home, he asked them to gather in the living room.
"Thank you for giving me this opportunity to present my plan for the future of this city. Most of the leaders, like yourselves, are getting on in years. I may be mistaken, but I know of no younger person, that has any leadership skills, rising in the ranks of the officials. This presents a problem. If outsiders make the same deduction, then they will realise that Shechem is ripe for the picking. Jerub-Baal has many sons, even as I speak, they may be scheming to take over the control of Shechem. Stand with me, let us put this proposal to the officials."

"And why should we help you?

"Because we are family!"

"So you want to put yourself forward as.....what? Leader? King?"

"Whatever you need me to be!"

The brothers clustered together and whispered amongst themselves. Abimilek turned slightly as if to give them privacy. When they had finished deliberating, they all stood erect. The youngest brother spoke. We have decided to do what you ask. We will accompany you to the elders. We would rather have one of our own ruling this city than someone from Orphrah.

Abimilek answered. "I will not disappoint you."

Just then, Trumah entered the room. Suspicion in her voice as she asked.
"What is going on here? Is this a secret meeting or am I privy to the subject of this discussion?"
It was her younger brother again, who did the speaking.
"Your son wants us to help him take leadership of Shechem. Surely that is something you would not oppose?"

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