Chapter 20

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Gaal held up his hand across his forehead, trying to shield his face from the sun. He said.

"I think there are men coming down the hillside?"

Zebul pretended to look, hand also held over his eyes. He answered.

"Can't see anything. I think you are seeing the shadows of the clouds as they drift before the sun."

Gaal squinted as he tried to make out the figures running through the corn fields. He exclaimed,

"I'm sure there's someone running through the fields."

Zebul answered,

"It's probably the wind blowing the stalks."

This time Gaal turned around and stood, hands on hips. "Wind! This time of the morning? What's going on here"?

Zebul realising that he couldn't stall anymore, stood with a broad smile on his face. He spat out the words.

"Where is your big talk now, you who said, 'Who is Abimilek that we should be subject to him?' Aren't these the men you ridiculed? Go out and fight them!"

Gaal's face went pale. They had called his bluff. He couldn't back down now and lose face. He heard shouts from behind. His family and Shechem friends had arrived. He perked up, but only slightly. He called his followers to come and join him. Grabbing a sword from one of the men, he led them into the fight.

Gaal's men, still suffering from the effects of too much wine the day before, were no match against Abimilek's warriors. Gaal somehow managed to avoid serious injury. Looking around he realised that he had to do something quickly, before he lost all his followers. He sounded a retreat. His men raced for the city gates. Abimilek's men were relentless. They continued to kill Gaal's men all the way to the gates.

At the gates Zebul stood and waited. Abimilek chased Gaal's supporters, when he came to the gates, he stopped. Zebul inquired,

"Why do you stop? Why do you not enter the city?"

Abimilek answered.

"The Shechemites try my patience. They befriend strangers, drink wine with them, and follow them blindly into battle, but grumble and grouse about me all the time. I'm done with them. If I enter the city now, I would slaughter everyone without a second thought! I advise you this day, take your family and run. Take my mother with you. Shechem's time is near. I will not tolerate this traitorous behaviour much longer."

"Please indulge me one thing before you depart." Zebul moaned. "I, like you, cannot stomach the boasting and treacherous talk that comes from the mouth of Gaal. Give me some of your men that I may rid our city of Gaal and his clan. Now is the time, for they run with their tails between their legs. They bleed and are disorganised."

Abimilek waved his hand. Take one division, do what you have to do. As for me... I've had enough excitement for one day. We have been awake since just after the midnight hour. I return now to Arumah. There awaits a soft bed and a warm woman!

Abimilek and three of his divisions returned to Arumah. Zebul wasted no time in routing out Gaal and his clan, now much depleted. Men, women, and children were driven out of Shechem. Zebul received a message from a fellow official in Samaria. A group of slaves had escaped from a wine farm, just outside Samaria, where they were working. From the description his friend sent, the slaves involved, matched Gaal and his so-called clan and the fact that they worked in the vineyards, would account for their wine making knowledge. Armed with this knowledge, Zebul enjoyed the act of ridding the city of these imposters.

Abimilek had a fitful night's sleep. The woman who was supposed to keep him company, was shocked when she was dismissed before she even had a chance to comfort him.

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