Chapter 19

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Abimilek ruled for 3 years. Yahweh heard the cries of Jotham and the seventy families who lost their husbands and fathers. The time of reckoning was nigh.

The first visible signs of the internal dissatisfaction with Abimilek's rule, which had been festering since day one, erupted when the people of Shechem solicited the help of Abimilek's own band of ruffians to bad-mouth his name.

The officials, all except Zebul, who remained loyal to Abimilek, came up with a plan to discredit Abimilek. They held a secret meeting with the paid scoundrels Abimilek had originally hired. The captain of the hired men spoke first.

"I don't know why you called us to assemble here, but know this, we will not listen to a word you have to say. You think you are so high and mighty, always looking down on us. The only reason we have come to this meeting, is not because of your bidding, but we want you to take a message to Abimilek."

"And what is this message that we have to convey?" Inquired the officials.

"Tell our so called, mighty king, that if he wants to continue having our services and protection, he better pay us. We have not been paid for some time. We go hungry while he becomes fat!"

The city leaders smiled and their spokesman answered.

"Ah, but we see you are misinformed. We commiserate with your plight, but the fact of the matter is, you work for us, not the king. Where do you think the money came from that you have received all this time? Certainly, not from Abimilek! He has nothing, except what we have given him. So, you see my friends, if you want to continue receiving remuneration from us, you must do our bidding."

The hired men formed a group and spoke among themselves in hushed voices. When they faced the officials again, their captain said.

"If what you say is true, then how do we earn our compensation?"

"We are glad you are sensible about this matter. Gather closer, let us discuss your next assignment."

The scoundrels came nearer. They had no real allegiance to anyone, except to the one who held the purse. The spokesman for the officials began.

"The truth of the matter is we would like to bring Abimilek down a peg or two. If you are in agreement, we want you to hide in the forest adjacent to the main route from Jerusalem, and similarly the route leaving Shechem that goes to Samaria. You must rob and steal from the travellers. When the people ask who you are, you must answer, 'we are Abimilek's men'.

Soon the travellers and merchants will not pass this way anymore and Abimilek will receive a bad name. Hopefully, the people, when their economy is threatened, will demand that Abimilek be deposed and be forced to leave this place."

The scoundrels agreed to this plan, especially when they were told they could keep the loot they plundered. It wasn't long before Abimilek received reports of the activities perpetrated by the scoundrels.

After Abimilek became king, he did not deem associating with the scoundrels, good for his image. He ordered Zebul to build up a fighting force to protect the city and himself. Up to now, this small army, except for parading around in their uniforms, had not seen any real action. This was about to change. When Abimilek learnt about the travelers being harassed, and supposedly in his name, he was furious. He immediately despatched his fighting force to protect the travelers, with orders to crush and eliminate the men responsible for the attacks.

The city officials, who had instigated this plan, were disappointed that their scheme had failed. However, Abimilek's problems were about to continue. Enter a new player into the mix! The people of Shechem were extremely gullible. They had been sweet-talked by Abimilek, into a situation that they regretted. Not having learnt anything from this experience, they were about to be misled again by a smooth-talking oratorical, pretentious braggart.

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