Name: Roy Overfall
Age: 24
District: 14 (muttology, infectiology, birdology, weapons and bioweapons )
Victor: yes (74th)
Mentors: Joan Winslow (20th FV), Mox Hawkwing (35th MV)
Fellow 74th tribute: Ruth Junewealth
Capitol escort: Clive Rootwing
Ben overfall,
Rosemary OverfallFriends:
London Dawntree,
Lacy Dayworth,
Fletch Silvergrove,
Ruth and her sisters,
Alabaster Commonsong,
Halle Peaceroot,
Raymie Meadowsong,
Mox hawkwing,
Hibis ThornewoodFellow Victors:
Joan Winslow (20th FV),
Mox hawkwing (35th MV),
Hibis Thornewood (37th MV),
Raymie Meadowsong (44th FV),
Halle Peaceroot (55th FV),
Quinn Moesogoth (63rd MV),
Ruth Junewealth (67th/74th FV)Cornucopia arena: forest
Cornucopia items grabbed:
throwing knivesHow they won:
Roy grouped with the Career pack after they found him nearby the camp. He was looking for Ruth to help him get away from the careers. Left the group when Ruth was dropping a nest of tracker jackers on them. he got injured by Cato on his upper left leg in a bad spot and hid out next to the stream that leads to the cornucopia. Ruth found him and helped him regain most of his strength for the final battle against Cato. He had watch Cato and Clove kill Kelly and Patrick close to where he was and he did nothing. Roy wanted to win once he heard the news of winning with someone else and thought of Ruth but was too weak in strength to find her. After a few days, he was dying faster then Ruth was until she almost stepped on him by the stream. He had killed Foxface indirectly with Nightlock berries. They were used as a last resort of Cato, Ruth and him to die so that the capitol didn't have any winning victor for the 74th hunger games. He thought that winning with Ruth would bring some good colour in his rather mundane life in District 14. Out of 26 tributes, he was one of three to be crowned victor of the 74th annual hunger games. He only truly killed the fire girl to try and win the games. Roy didn't want to hurt anyone else unless provoked by someone.