Pizza At 2am ?

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Henry walked back into your shared room black sweatpants loosely hanging from his hips and a glass of water in his hands. The same hands that had sinfully devoured your skin the second he walked in through the door earlier that night.

You had been laying down trying to recover from the multiple orgasms he had managed to pull from your moments before. The white sheets that were half hanging from your body managed to take up residency on your bedroom floor when you tried to sit up. Groaning lowly as you felt the soreness and the aches all around your body.

"I wasn't too rough on you, was I?"
Henry asked as he handed you the glass of water in which you gladly took. Concerned he walked toward you as he sat down on the edge of your bed and placed a gentle hand on your thigh. You smiled as you took a sip of water preventing yourself from laughing as your mind wandered back to the rough sex look he had when he arrived home from work.

"It's nothing I can't handle." You answered placing the glass of water down on the bedside table. You laid down again a hand placed on your stomach as you rubbed soothing circles.

"Are you sure, I've never been this rough before" Henry said as he maneuvered himself around the bed and laying down next to you. You turned to face him placing a hand on his cheek and nodded to answer his question.

Henry wrapped his muscly arm around you and gently started to draw small figure eights against your hip bone. You grinned closing your eyes as you moved in closer to him. Henry's warm body heat sending shivers down your spine as you heard him laugh softly at your reaction.

"I should run you a bath." Henry whispered moved his hand to your back running it up it down soothingly.

"Can we just stay like this for a while." You answered opening your eyes as he looked at you with a lot of love. He nodded bringing you closer to his body. You tucked your head underneath his neck and pecked his chest softly. Henry Just laughed softly before placing a small kiss on top of your head.

"After your bath, we can order pizza." Henry suggested.

"What pizza place is open at 2am?" You asked as you slowly drew figures against his bare chest. A habit you had picked up during the early start of your relationship.

"Mhm, you're right...maybe we can make pizza." Henry suggested as he retrieved his hand from your flushed skin. You watched as he laid down onto his back an arm tucked underneath his head before placing his other arm around your waist and pulling you closer.

"How about you make pizza and I sit and watch you look sexy while doing it ." You smiled putting your leg around his. "I don't think I can stand up for too long."

Henry sighed and looked down at you concern running all over his face again. "You sure I wasn't too harsh on you?"

You smiled leaning up to peck his frowning lips. "I'm positive Henry now are you gonna run me a bath or not you idiot I feel sticky." You pouted making him smile his beautiful gummy smile.

"Yes You idiot ." He answered softly laughing and then kissed your lips. "I love you so much." Henry said moving a loose strand of hair behind your ear. He kissed your forehead softly lingering there for a moment. Henry moved your leg gently from his body before sitting up and curiously staring down at your smiling form.

"You're not going to say it back?" Henry asked making you laugh loudly. You sat up and crawled to where he was sitting. You placed a soft kiss onto his shoulder and then his check before biting his earlobe softly.

"I love you more." You whispered into his ear.

Henry smiled shaking his head before standing up, "tease." He murmured as he walked into the bathroom.

"Only doing what I do best." You stated loudly as you heard him laugh from inside the bathroom. You smiled laying back down cuddling into the messy array of blankets and sheets taking in the smell of Vanilla and Henry's cologne.

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