Kiss The Cook

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Henry stop it." You beamed putting your hands out to stop his attack. "No I want my welcome home kiss." Henry said  as he continued to fight against you.

"I gave it to you already." You sighed putting your arms down by your sides and giving up.

"That was a poor excuse for a welcome home kiss and you know it." His face full of amusement knowing he had won. Henry leaned into you planting his lips on yours kissing you softly deepening the kiss once he felt you kiss him back. You sighed contently your hands running down his bare muscly torso pulling yourself closer to him. Henry hummed in satisfaction before pulling away pecking your lips once more before pushing himself off the counter smirking at your blushing cheeks. "Hmmm, that's what I call a welcome home kiss." Henry winked at you before turning to face the stove leaving you wanting more something he always did when he wanted to be a little shit and tease you all fucking night.

"Why are you shirtless in the kitchen?" You crossed your legs under you setting your arms behind you as you tilted your head. Henry's smooth toned back asking to be touched.

Henry opened a cupboard and grabbed two plates. "Ahhh I don't know it was hot while I was cooking." Henry teased flexing his huge arms lightly as he reached up to close the cupboard. You bit your lip to keep yourself from laughing knowing very well he was trying to get you going and turn you the fuck on.

"I'm sure that's what happened." You said pushing yourself off the counter watching as henry distributed the food he had made between the two plates.

You walked out of the kitchen. Rounding the corner as he turned around to put the dirty pan in the dishwasher.

"Where are you going...I made dinner." Henry pointed behind him to the plates filled with food.

"And I'm sure it tastes delicious but I'm hungry for something else." You winked as you sensually made your way down the hallway that led to your bedroom.

"Baby wait." Henry called out trying to untie the apron desperately fumbling with the knot. "Baby hold on I'm coming." Henry yelled out hearing your laugh bounce off the walls as he grew frustrated wondering what had possessed him to wear the damn thing in the first place.

"Henry I don't know how long I can wait." You bit your lip to keep yourself from laughing hearing his frustrated grunts followed by a small finally. You laid down on your bed laughing as you heard him run down the hall bumping into things along the way. Your stomach had started to hurt from how hard you had been laughing. Soon henry appeared in the doorway of your bedroom his eyes filled with lust as he pounced hard on the damn bed. He straddled your hips tickling your sides making you double over in laughter.

"S-Stop please." You said in between fits of laughter. Henry threw his head back laughing before shaking his head.

"Not a chance baby I'm going to punish you for being such a teasing little fucking shit." Henry chuckled continuing to tickle your sides your breath was getting faster as you tried to pry his large hands off your body.

"S-Says you." You breathed out grabbing onto his hands. Henry shook his head in disbelief removing his hands from your hold and throwing himself down on the space next to you. .

"Babe." Henry spoke up after a few minutes where the only thing to be heard was your staggered breathing. You sat up and looked down at his beaming face. Henry reached over pulling you on top of him resting his hands on your butt and giving your nose a small kiss. "I worked really hard on dinner can we eat first before we do anything else?" Henry pouted. You laughed nodding your head and giving his lips a quick peck.

"Yes...I'm starving." You said before getting up from his body and holding your arms out to him. Henry taking your hands and letting you pull him up.

"The last one to the kitchen does the dishes." Henry winked at you smacking your butt softly catching you off guard before running out of the room.

You groaned in annoyance throwing your hands up in the air because no matter what the outcome of his little race was. You'd always end up doing the dishes.

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