Christmas Baking Fiasco

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"Okay, the pie tin?"


"Christmas cookie cutters?"


"All the essentials?"


"Perfect," you clap your hands together, looking at Henry across the counter. You and your boyfriend had a monumental task of baking the entire dessert spread for Kevin's annual holiday party so you had to run down your checklist to make sure everything is prepared for your 6 hour day in the kitchen.

"Oh wait" you looked at Henry "Okay last and the most important thing. Have we locked Jeremy out of the kitchen today?" Henry couldn't help but to laugh at that.

"Oh definitely. He'll be too scared by the mess and also what you'll do to him if he meddles into any of this " Henry assures you

"Then we're good to go!" you say. Henry smiles right at  you giving you a thumbs up before setting up his Christmas playlist. Classing Christmas choruses fill the air.

"Alright Should we start the pie first then make the ginger cookies?" Henry asks as he walks to you two aprons in his hand.

"Sounds good!" you tell him. Henry smiles before lifting up your apron. He's a little jealous of yours so he tells you. It's one that your grandma made and passed it on to you. You know what to do you and Henry have done this so many times before. You move in front of him then flip around so your back is to him. He loops your apron around your waist before grabbing the ties.

"Is this good?" Henry asks as he ties a bow perfectly.

"Perfect," you tell him. Henry smiles then places a gentle kiss on your temple before you turn around. "Okay, you too," you said to him. With Henry's apron you copy his motions tying it for him too, and even leaving not one but two kisses to each of his cheeks.

You two wordlessly begin your baking. Henry takes the pie filling because no matter how many times you've tried to follow his same recipe you swear to him it doesn't taste as good as when he makes it. Henry has tried to teach you step by step but it's still not the fucking same so instead you start on the pie crust. It's a recipe you've been using for years and it came from your wonderful mother and now you've shared it with Henry.

The day went by quicker than you thought and before you knew it the pie, ginger cookies and chocolate chip cookies were done and the sugar cookies sat cooling on the counter to be ready to decorate.

"Here sugar plum" Henry says adorably as he hands you the pastry bag you've got a variation of colors greens and yellows and reds all over.

"Thank you so much" you respond with a huge smile on your face and blush settling on your cheeks at the nickname. Henry always chose the most sickeningly sweet pet names for you you think they'd be so damn cheesy if anyone else said them but Henry Just somehow pulls them off and they make butterflies swirl in your chest every time he says them.

"You wanna start with the wreaths or the trees?" You ask setting the cookies onto the table for you two to start decorating.

"I'll take the trees?" Henry says leaving room for you to disagree but you don't, instead sliding them towards him with a wink and you two get to work.

"Oh, wait look at me real quick?" Henry says to you. You two have gotten through a good portion of the cookies about half of them are decorated in your own signature styles.

"Yeah?" you ask turning your face towards him as your eyelashes fluttered .

"You've got some..." Henry pauses before lifting his thumb up to wipe some stray red frosting off of your cheek. He brings his thumbs to his lips tasting the sweet frosting from it. You can't help but smile at him and before you know it you're piping some of your frosting onto your finger and swiping it across his nose.

Henry gasps at your motion but his face then twists into a playfully sinister look. He does the same but manages to swipe his green frosting onto your neck. Oh, he's in for it now Before you know it, you're sprinting back into the kitchen towards the flour. Henry is super fucking quick on his feet behind you but skids to a stop when he sees your hand dip into the flour bag.

"You wouldn't dare," Henry warns with a smile on his face.

"Oh...Oh I would."

The spoonful of flour hits Henry right square in the chest and he can't help tO laugh so hard.

"It's on" Henry laughs. And with that the trumpets sound and you're off to the races. You and Henry try to get back at each other with anything you can, cookie frosting, flour, sugar, leftover pie filling, and many more. The kitchen is filled with giggles and laughs and lighthearted shrieks as you both fall and collapse onto the floor, both of you covered in ingredients. As your laughter dies down, you turn to Henry .

"Babe" ...


"I love you."

"Really? Even though I got frosting in your hair?" Henry jokes, pointing at the specks of red in your hair. You laugh.

"Yes, even so."

"Phew," Henry says as he was wiping his brow, "I was worried there for a second." You push all of his faux worries away with a kiss to his lips. He tastes like sugar and ginger from the cookie batter he had tasted earlier. You'll never get tired of kissing him you always feel so wrapped up in how soft and warm he was. As you pull away a shy giggle escapes you. Henry taps your nose lightly with his finger.

"I love you, too," He says. Moments later he helps you up from the floor. As you two turn to look at the mess you created in wake of your shenanigans, you turn back to each other. You're both thinking the exact same thing.

"Finish the cookies, then make  Jeremy clean up?"

You both agreed..

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