Finally Alone

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Throughout the evening Henry and you had been trying to sneak away for some alone time. Ultimately failing and getting caught in the act by one of his friends, who'd then spend the next fifteen minutes embarrassing the hell out of the two of you.

Now you were sat on the couch, squished like sardines, watching the guys argue over a failed game of Mario Kart. Henry throwing you looks every time he heard you sigh out in annoyance.

"Let's go out to eat?" Cam suddenly spoke up, over the yelling that had ensued between  Aaron and Cam .

"Yes, finally I'm starving," Steve Had  spoke up standing up. He walked over to two arguing boys, grabbing onto Aaron's  arm and dragging him towards the front door. His argument long forgotten as he plead Steve to let him go. You watched as the guys filed out of the apartment one by one mumbling and complaining about how Steve and Aaron's  always managed to ruin family game night with their stubborness.Cam throwing Henry and you finger guns and a wink before closing the door. And for the first time since you arrived that night you could hear your own thoughts.

You giggled as you felt Henry wrapped his arm aorund your shoulder bringing you into his side and kissing your head gently. "I love them but sometimes they're to much." You whispered looking up at Henry's Face who's gentle eyes always sparkled whenever they looked into yours.

"At least you don't live with half of them." Henry scoffed rolling his eyes in annoyance. "You're right, it really does suck to be you." You smiled leaning up and kissing his cheek while a soft blush appearing on his cheeks. One you will never get tired of experiencing.

"Anyway, we're finally alone, you know what that means?" You sat up looking back at Henry with  a smirk playing on your lips.

"I'm going to finally beat you at Mario Kart." Henry Said out dramatically pinching the bridge of his nose before making his hand into a determined fist. You laughed reaching over for the switch controllers and handed him the blue one.

"I want the red one you always have play with the red one." Henry clasping his hands in front of him giving you his best puppy dog eyed look. You rolled your eyes leaning over and kissing his lips softly.

"That's cause I win with the red one." You mumbled against his lips before pulling away and turning to face the tv. Henry  huffed in frustration sitting up and bumping his shoulder against yours.

"I'm winning this time and you're going to have give me a foot message." Henry grumbled as the home screen appeared onto the tv.

"In your dreams Boo." You pressed the start button as the character selection screen appearing.

"Usually they're filled with you but today they're filled with my victory." Henry said before leaning in and giving your cheek a sloppy kiss. You groaned in annoyance pushing him away as the countdown for the race began. Today wasn't the day you'd loose your winning streak.

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