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"Tell me again why we're hiding behind this bush?" You turned to face your boyfriend as he looked ahead intensely, mumbling under his breath.

"Shh, we need to be quiet." Henry put a finger to your lips making your eyes widen.

"I'll be quiet once you tell me what the hell we're doing here Henry we literally look insane." You exclaimed pushing his hand away and crossing your arms stubbornly.

"Look." Henry whispered yelled pointing to the tree a few feet away. You turned your head to look at where he was pointing and standing up slightly only to have him pull you back down.

"I'm not sure where we're supposed to be looking...the tree?" You raised an eyebrow. Henry scoffed rolling his eyes and shook his head. "The cat babe right there we're looking at the cat." Henry stated in a matter-of-fact tone almost like you were supposed to already know what he had been talking about this entire time you were looking at it.

"Okay, I'm looking at the cat. Now what about it?" You turned to look at him still confused. The entire campus was filled with cats and the two of you occasionally sat and watched them from afar but sometimes leaving them food to eat. But this was different the determination in Henry's voice was making you nervous and obviously you definitely weren't ready for whatever he had in mind.

"On the count of three we grab the cat and run." Henry said standing up. He raised one arm crossing it over his torso and stretching it. Repeating the process with the other one while you looked up at him still crouching behind the bush trying to process everything he had just said.

"No...what?" You stood up as you watched him hilariously try to hype himself up.

"Get ready...this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." Henry smiled leaning over and kissed your lips softly. "For good luck." Henry whispered after pulling away. "1...2″ He started his countdown rolling his neck and shaking his arms at his side.

"Henry we can't just steal a stray cat." You spoke before he could finish counting down adrenaline rushing through your veins as the anticipation between the two of you grew.

"Of course we can." Henry winked and started down the direction of the cat. "3." He yelled loudly making you scramble tripping over your feet lightly. You watched as he reached down grabbed the cat and too much of your surprise the cat did not fight back. You laughed as you followed him a few steps behind. Henry had held the cat very close against his chest as he kept running turning his head to see if you were following him. Smiling widely once he confirmed that you were.

"Why are we stealing a stray cat?" You yelled panting. The air leaving your lungs and you were reminded how out of shape you were compared to your athlete of a boyfriend.

"We're starting a family and this is the cheapest way." Henry yelled back. A few glares coming from the people that had been surrounding the two of you the entire time.

"That's ridiculous." You breathed out stopping and leaning your palms against your knees trying to catch your breath. "I can't fucking run anymore henry ." You stated wanting to throw yourself on the ground from how exhausted you were.

"Neither can I." Henry stated changing his course of direction and making his way towards you patting your back once he got there. "You put up a good fight I say we make a great our daughter." Henry laughed as You looked up at him feeling like you were about to burst from the lack of air while he looked like he hadn't just ran for his life.

You sat down on the grass rolling your eyes Henry following in suit as he played with the cat in his arms. "We skipped out on our study date for this?" You laid your head against his shoulder as your breathing started to return to normal desperately wishing you had some cold water right now.

"We just became parents and you're thinking about studying?" Henry said in disbelief shaking his head as he rubbed the cat's stomach it meowing loudly.

"It's finals week." You whined pushing him slightly. "My brain is on finals week mode."

"I know babe...I know." Henry kissed you wrapping an arm around your shoulder resting his palm against your neck cooling you down. "What should we name her?" Henry mumbled kissing your head. You raised your head looking at him confused.

"You aren't seriously thinking of keeping her?" You raised an eyebrow watching as Henry face grew serious.

"Yes. I did not just go through all that trouble for us to not keep her I already bought her toys a bed...she stays with you one week she stays with me one week." He said making you laugh loudly at how far he had gone for this stray cat and wondering how long he had been planning this for.

Henry scoffed in annoyance retreating his arm from your body and turning his full attention to the cat that had started to get comfortable on his lap. "Mommy's not always mean I promise."Henry whispered scratching the cat's ears hearing it meow in pure bliss. You rolled your eyes and scooted yourself closer to Henry watching silently as he showered her with care making your smile big.

"Spring." You spoke up catching your boyfriend off guard.

"What?" Henry Turned his head slightly to look down at your glistening eyes.

"Let's name her spring." You giggled reaching over to scratch her tiny stomach, earning a satisfied purr.

"Why spring?" Henry questioned a soft smile playing against his lips as he watched your joyful state interact with the cat on his lap.

"I realized I was in love with you during the springtime." You shrugged, a wide smile etched on your face as she gently clawed the palm of your hand.

"Okay." Henry nodded more to himself than anyone seeing as you were busy cooing at your daughter. "Spring it is." Henry smiled kissing your head softly.

"For the record, I realized I was in love with you too during the spring." Henry whispered in your ear. Your face feeling hot against the summer breeze making him chuckle and his heart feeling full.

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