Things That Make Henry A Psychopath Part 2

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It was 30 minutes ago you had hot angry sex with Henry and now you were just getting out of the shower. You took 15 minutes in the shower but before any of this happened you had a gut feeling something bad was gonna happen But you literally just brushed it off since you didn't care and wanted your back broken by Henry.

Flashback (2 weeks ago on a Tuesday)

You and Henry were fighting about how he was always gone for hours on end and you were absolutely tired of it he was barely home and when he was you and Henry would have sex and then pretend nothing was wrong after and go back to arguing.

Your in the living room arguing about work.
"Henry your acting psycho sometimes you are the most amazing person and so sweet but then you just flip a switch and have a different personality I just can't do this anymore I'm giving you 2 months yes 2 months I'm being generous for you to stop"

"I'm sorry I just have so much work stuff to do I keep having to go overtime just listen to me"
Henry angrily said to you

"No enough with the lies I know your not at work I've checked with the people there and the people there said you have never worked overtime oh and maybe you should of threw away that receipt from the Italian restaurant you really didn't think I would find out" you were pissed at Henry since you knew damn well he was probably cheating on you.

"Do you really think I would cheat on you babe listen it was a work dinner I'm not cheating if that's what you think"  he said rolling his eyes

"Oh yes pls gaslight me some more you did not have a work dinner pls spare me with your bullshit" you were so over with Henry and his lies he acted like he had a split personality.

"I'm not gaslighting you " Henry replied "Stop being an asshole I'm done with this conversation and until your ready to come clean with whatever the fuck your doing don't talk to me I'm going to the bathroom and don't you fucking follow me" you stomped away after yelling at him.

You walked to the bathroom sad and super frustrated that Henry would still be lying to you about cheating you were so sure of it all these late nights not being home for 2 to 3 days at a time sometimes he wouldn't even call you.

Just sitting on the toilet contemplating on what you were gonna do this entire time. You got up and stared into the mirror trying not to cry cause you were just so tired of it. Just the reflection made you feel a little hazy but you could still see perfectly fine as you leaned over the sink you saw a shiny reflection you just brushed it off it was probably just your mind playing tricks on you.

You looked back down at the mirror and pushed the mirror forward and something definitely moved it was shiny and it looked like it was coming from the vent.

You tirelessly walked over to the vent and leaned over and looked into the vent prying it open you see a glass box with a large diamond ring some ID's also you see a jar with something in it you couldn't tell so you didn't touch it.

The ID's looked old and dirty for some reason there was a few bracelets and some other weird things. It definitely looked like something a serial killer would have. It was very suspicious that Henry Had this locked away you wondered why he had these things.

Present Day

It Was A few weeks ago you found some shit in the vent but as you looked back from the mirror you saw that shiny thing in the vent. You dried off from the shower and put some lotion on and dried your hair. You had an eerie feeling that Henry Was standing outside the door you weren't sure but you knew damn well he was probably getting nervous. You opened the door and he was standing right there totally not shocked.

"What Took You So Long did you find anything" Henry nervously said as he tried inching his way into the bathroom. "What Is The Rush Henry?" You questioned him "oh Its nothing don't mind me." You figured Henry was looking for his stuff in the vent hoping you wouldn't know about it cause it's definitely not far fetched at all.

You grabbed your stuff and slowly walked out of the bathroom with your towel on and Henry slipped past you and locked the bathroom door without saying anything. "Well Fuck what's his issue" he's never been so nervous since you met him and it was concerning.

You got dressed putting on some black shorts and a ruffled crop top that was blue and you looked at yourself in the mirror "Damn You Look Good" as you said to yourself. You decided to go to the living  room and lay on the couch. Henry had been in the bathroom for way too long it's been about 30 minutes of you laying on the couch staring into space. You had absolutely no idea what he was doing in their probably jacking off to the dirty pics he took of you who knew.

You got up from the couch and walked back to your room to the bathroom and knocked on it "Henry Are you okay?" You asked still no answer you knocked on the door harder "Henry please answer what are you doing you haven't left the bathroom for half an hour I'm worried" you were super annoyed but he still didn't answer even after you tried opening the door you just gave up and went back to the couch laid down and then grabbed the remote to turn the T.V On .

You flipped through a few channels and got to the news channel and was in utter shock the news channel had a state warning for a FUCKING SERIAL KILLER....

The man on the news Channel was outside a house in front of police tape

"Breaking News We Have found 5 victims in this house they are all women in their late 20's and 30's we have no idea who has done this heinous crime these women were tortured and partially dismembered we know for sure multiple items of these women have been stolen this was not a random attack it was planned and we have concluded that this crime is a work of a serial killer of a man in his 30's and that is very tall and probably over six feet tall so please every one keep caution and be careful this man is dangerous and please call local police with any tips or any information" you grabbed the remote and turned off the TV in shock..

You thought to yourself what if it was Henry who was the serial killer no.. he was probably just cheating on you.. no need to worry he would never do that..

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