Dance For Me

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Henry Just unlocked your front door smiling widely to himself hearing the music coming from your bedroom. Henry walked inside quietly shutting your front door and setting his stuff down before making his way towards you. Excitement running through Henry's veins making him feel all Excited inside over something so simple as catching you dancing alone in your room. This not being the first time of course and each time he looked forward to it more and more every single time.

Henry pushed open your bedroom door leaning against the frame. watching as you completely immersed yourself into the song that was playing. Singing along to the lyrics and moving while your beautiful hips moved along to the beat. Henry Enjoyed every second of it especially your flushed face whenever he caught you.

"Is that my sweater?" Henry spoke raising his voice a little so you'd be able to hear over the music. You turned around your eyes widening as you stumbled over your own feet making him laugh.

"Why do you always do that?" You groaned reaching over to turn off your speaker your face warming him up almost as if you had been caught doing something you weren't supposed to.

"Do what?" Henry asked innocently pushing himself off the door frame making his way towards you.

"Scare me." You pushed your bottom lip out. Henry smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist bringing you closer to him.

"I love watching you dance especially when you think no one's around." Henry winked at you leaning down and pecking your lips.

"It's embarrassing." You whispered your face feeling hot and not because you had just spent a good hour dancing like an idiot in front of your mirror. But because this was becoming a regular occurrence and somehow you still hadn't caught on.

"It's cute and sexy." Henry smirked bringing you closer to his body. "Why not dance for me now that I'm definitely here." Henry raised his eyebrows suggestively making you shake your head giggling.

"Nope." You smiled, hitting his nose lightly with your index finger as he pouted. "I danced for you last time. I think it's your turn." You pulled away and sat down at the edge of your bed crossing your legs in front of you leaving him stunned and amused. No matter how long the two of you had been together you still left him speechless. Henry shook his head and turned to look at you in disbelief. A smirk playing against your lips as you silently signaled for him that you were waiting.

"What do I get afterward?" Henry said unzipping the jacket he was wearing taking it off and setting it down on your desk chair leaving him in a plain white t-shirt and jeans.

"Mhm, you'll have to wait and see." You said leaning back against your elbows as you waited for him. "I'll give you something special if you manage to satisfy me."

"Oh, baby I'll leave you more than satisfied." He grinned turning on the radio before going to stand in front of you.

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